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Trying again -- Nokia 6620 Bluetooth

From: Norm Dressler
Subject: Trying again -- Nokia 6620 Bluetooth
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2005 11:16:29 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (X11/20050727)

Hi there...

Trying to get Gnokii working with bluetooth to my Symbian 60 (Nokia 6620) phone.

I keep getting this error:
address@hidden:~$ gnokii --identify
GNOKII Version 20050811
Couldn't open GNBUS device: No such file or directory
Telephone interface init failed: Function or connection type not supported by the phone.

My .gnokiirc looks like this:
address@hidden:~$ cat .gnokiirc
port = 00:02:EE:6D:62:FC
rfcomm_channel = 14
model = series60
connection = bluetooth
use_locking = yes
debug = on

bindir = /usr/sbin/

TELEPHONE = 12345678


debug = off
rlpdebug = off
xdebug = off

I'm running Gnapplet on the phone (and the screen is up saying Gnapplet Started.

Am I missing a library or something?


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