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gnokii 0.6.5

From: Pawel Kot
Subject: gnokii 0.6.5
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 23:14:54 +0200


I have just released gnokii 0.6.5. The ChangeLog since the previous
version is really impressive. People that were following the
development won't be surprised of course. Among many fixes and
improvements (that you can read about in the ChangeLog) it is worth
  - filesystem support, thank to Chris Kemp and accomplishing gnokiifs
done by Ed Rosten
 - DKU2 cable support along with the kernel modules, again written by Chris Kemp
  - possibility to disable the retransmission policy (which was
suspected to cause the phone breakage -- which appeared to be not
true); note that it is disabled by default and if you get the timeouts
from the phone, you will want to enable it in the config file
 - better phonebook and calendar output
  - more features to the gnapplet driver
There are still some patches and feature requests pending (from Balint
and Matthew), so I expect the next release covering these in next two
or three weeks.

You can download the files from:
(they are not yet at savannah)
or grab them from CVS from tag rel_0_6_5

Have a good time test^H^H^H^Husing this version.

Please let me know about the distributions that are including gnokii
in their releases, I'd like to contact maintainers to coordinate
better releasing and package preparing.

take care,
Pawel Kot

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