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Re: [gNewSense-users] KFV Licensing flow

From: Brian Brazil
Subject: Re: [gNewSense-users] KFV Licensing flow
Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2008 16:46:10 +0100

On Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 2:37 PM, Luis Alberto Guzmán García <address@hidden> wrote:
Well, i think that most ideas take us to make a fine KFV flow, so we can
decide to know what to do in any case we find.

Upgrading the kfv.el is a good idea and it will work well but i have no
experience working on Emacs (not even using it). :(

I'll write a draft, improving the past table flow.
When i have it ready i'll show it to you, and we can add or move
whatever we thinks is better.

Right now i found this at

 *      The firmware this driver downloads into the Localtalk card is a
 *      separate program and is not GPL'd source code, even though the Linux
 *      side driver and the routine that loads this data into the card are.
 *      It is taken from the COPS SDK and is under the following license
 *      This material is licensed to you strictly for use in conjunction with
 *      the use of COPS LocalTalk adapters.
 *      There is no charge for this SDK. And no waranty express or implied
 *      about its fitness for any purpose. However, we will cheerefully
 *      refund every penny you paid for this SDK...
 *      Regards,
 *      Thomas F. Divine
 *      Chief Scientist

/*      cops_ffdrv.h: LocalTalk driver firmware dump for Linux.
 *      Authors:
 *      - Jay Schulist <address@hidden>

The driver work together this firmware, but is *seems* not free.

Irrelevant of the license, that's an uncommented binary blob.
Accordingly, it's non free.


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