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Re: [Gnash] Re: Gnash Video Codecs?

From: John Dowdell
Subject: Re: [Gnash] Re: Gnash Video Codecs?
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2006 12:49:15 -0800
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)

On Tue, 12 Dec 2006, "ann" wrote:
> Due to the concerns raised here, and also because I think the
> comment is cryptic unless it links to an article containing
> the allegations, I've removed the phrase 'Avoid Flash spyware!'
> from the index page.
> Hopefully this is okay with the other developers; don't read
> my opinion as necessarily the final word on the subject, as
> I'm still new here.

Thanks, I appreciate it! My main worry with the label was that others would attach additional meanings to the term "spyware", and then conversation could fall all over the board. If you want to say you believe that all network requests should be revealed in any network interface then that's a clearcut statement, with less risk of confusion to others.

(My apologies if this message isn't correctly threaded, by the way... I've read the web archives, but don't have the original email to reply to, and I wanted to thank you for this change.)

One other point, as long as I've delurked: The concern about Gnash that I see among people working with SWF is the risk to predictable clientside capability. Lots of us saw how VRML was harmed by varying audience capabilities, and although HTML/JS/CSS is very useful today its progress has still been held back significantly by differences among rendering engines. I think there's room for both "spec-based" and "implementation-based" web technologies -- doesn't all have to be one or the other -- but the resistance you see among the grassroots to Gnash is the concern that any widespread adoption would make their own work harder, their own support costs greater.

(The SVG folks are still looking for a popular rendering engine, however, if you'd care to help support this W3C Recommendation: )


John Dowdell . Adobe Developer Support . San Francisco CA USA
Spam killed my private email -- public record is best, thanks.

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