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[Gnash] FLV player compatibility

From: guix_d-gnumailing
Subject: [Gnash] FLV player compatibility
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 21:34:07 +0000 (GMT)


I've studied every solution to stream video on the web, considering the average 
user who is under Windows/Mac/Linux (non-geek) box. FLV video format is the 
best according to me, not technically, but in general.

There is a wonderful FLV player, strong and customizable, available under a CC 
license, with sources :

This player works only with Flash 7. Unfortunately, it doesn't work with 

I understand you have much work and many requests ; however this one could be a 
real HUGE  progress, because video streaming wouldn't be a problem anymore...

Thanks a lot for the hard work, Gnash is a really important initiative to take 
the web further... and keep it free :-)

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