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Re: [Gnash-dev] Help with building a XPI

From: Rob Savoye
Subject: Re: [Gnash-dev] Help with building a XPI
Date: Mon, 06 Apr 2009 08:16:21 -0600
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090320)

Sylvain Beucler wrote:

> Since they don't know about compilation I'm trying to offer them Gnash
> binaries (they are running Debian).

  There should be snapshots in .deb format (x86) on

> In the past I've helped with Gnash backports(.org) but this is still
> too complex, firstly because it requires editing sources.list,

  I thought an up to date Gnash 0.8.5 was in the "experimental" repository.

> So I'd like to experiment with the XPI solution that was mentioned at
> a while ago.  However I don't know at all where to start!
> do you have advice or documentation about it?  How did you compile the
> latest .xpi?

  "make xpi". :-) it basically builds gnash with all the internal
libraries statically linked. Then you do a "make xpi-bundle", and it
recompiles the plugin to be dynamically linked (cause it has to), and
makes the xpi package. It'll install just fine, but if you have an
problems with the XPCOM support not finding the executable in the users
profile directory, set "GNASH_PLAYER" so it'll find it.

> (Btw, I read somewhere that there's patents issues with distributing
> such binaries: I don't have this problem because I live in Europe.)

  That would only be if you statically linked in ffmpeg, which nobody
does. Gnash itself is patent free, but the codecs are not.

        - rob -

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