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Re: [Gnash-dev] generating png images from swf file

From: Martin Guy
Subject: Re: [Gnash-dev] generating png images from swf file
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2007 16:22:52 +0100

2007/7/6, Henry Minsky <address@hidden>:
    I have a bunch of individual swf files which contain more or less static
    images, which I would like to render as png files

Gnash is the wriong tool for this, but there is swfextract in the
swftools package
that will do exactly what you want. apt-get install swftools && man swfextract

You'll need to know the object IDs of the jpeg images. For example, to
barf the first 10 objects you can use

for a in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    swfextract --jpegs $a --output image-$a.jpg inputfile.swf

This will complain about non-jpeg objects but hey.
Similarly there is a --pngs flag if they images are stored as PNGs in
the SWF file.

For an automated error-free dump I guess you'd want to generate the
right JPEG and PNG object numbers from the output of some tools like
swfdump or swf_dump

    Also, I'm having trouble compiling gnash on a debian linux system, I did
    clean checkout but  autoconf is barfing at me

rather than running autoconf manually.

There is a specific guide to building on Debian in the Gnash wiki.

Let us know if you still have problems


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