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Re: [FSF] missing FSF supporter issue?

From: victorhck
Subject: Re: [FSF] missing FSF supporter issue?
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2018 21:17:13 +0200

El 04/09/18 a las 21:02, Georgia Young escribió:
> Monday was a holiday in the US and Dana is not working today, so the
> Supporter was just published moments ago, and will email shortly. Here's
> the markdown file.
> Georgia

Thanks Georgia!!

Hey listmates, here you have the link to pad service to start spanish


As always, follow the GNU glosary, don't forget the markdown, check out
the last issue to trasnlate the similar posts, please add --- to
separate the items and translations (is more easy to clean up when
finished the english text) etc...

've phun!!

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