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Re: [Fsfe-uk] Time to boycot OLPC?

From: Robin Green
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] Time to boycot OLPC?
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 19:12:18 +0100

On Wed, 23 Apr 2008 18:32:52 +0100
Noah Slater <address@hidden> wrote:

> Hey,
> Sorry for the inflated subject, but hey...
> http://www.theinquirer.net/gb/inquirer/news/2008/04/23/olpc-scrap-linux-windows
> Aside from the hilarious spelling mistakes, is this real?
> Are OLPC really about to scrap "Linux" for Windows?

This is apparently forseen in response to Microsoft offering Windows and
Office for $3 to students in developing countries. But that still works
out as $3 million extra per million kids - that's a lot of money for
dubious "experience", which can in any case be picked up later in life
if they need it. Well, apparently some governments *are* interested in
paying about $3million extra per million kids, just to have Windows on
the laptops. Sad.

Still that shouldn't prevent other countries buying the Linux version
for $3 less, so it still doesn't make sense. Unless Microsoft are up to
their old anti-competitive tricks (not allowed to sell even one machine
with Linux on it if you sell any with Windows on them - that was the
scandalous approach they used to take with OEMs).

However, I expect Microsoft will eventually give Windows away as a
freebie to developing country students, to protect its monopolies.

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