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[Fsfe-uk] Re: Standing Orders, Postal Votes etc.

From: John Seago
Subject: [Fsfe-uk] Re: Standing Orders, Postal Votes etc.
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 16:35:29 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.5.4

 MJ Ray <address@hidden> wrote:

> The last copy I posted (I've not worked on this while actively
> treasurer AFAIK)... <snip>  ...If you want any other documents
> from that era, I can probably post them for you.

Thank you for the pointers, I have bookmarked them

> On the charity aspect, the cautions of Martin Keegan and Jason
> Clifford seem as relevant today as they were last year ;-)

This would seem to raise another point in addition to the ones I raised 
between digests. What does the AFFS want its Constitution, Standing 
Orders, Rules, Electoral Procedures, etc., to actually do? Having spent a 
considerable portion of my life sitting on Committees, (a process which 
doesn't seem to achieve much), I have arrived at the view that 
Constitutions, Rules, Electoral Procedures, Standing Orders, etc. should 
be as simple and concise as possible.

Having looked at the Constitution it is obvious that there are some points 
of debate/confusion within it. (None of those who worked on it should take 
this as a criticism, Rule Books/Constitutions are horrendously difficult, 
particularly when it comes to the overall view). Perhaps the best option 
would be an overhaul, and re-adoption of Constitution, to be as concise as 
possible. And dare I say it, a reduction in the quorum. Electoral 
Procedures need to be defined, and then Standing Orders. A guide to 
procedural matters at General Meetings can be easily borrowed from any 
number of existing organisations.

I am prepared to be of what help I can, however it has to be realised that 
prescription painkillers leave me in a condition where I lack not only the 
intellect but memory I used to have, and I am therefore likely to give 
priority to going out to play, rather than pursuing a vigorous deadline 
for delivery of promised results.

John Seago
Linux User #219566 (http://counter.li.org)

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