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Re: Help to contribute

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: Help to contribute
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2021 06:55:50 +0000 (UTC)

Hello Khushi!

> I am a beginner in the C programming language, and I am trying to
> understand the culture of open source.  Can you suggest some
> beginner level issues that I can solve?

I think it doesn't work like that.  First of all, you have to find a
project that really, really interests you, and where you have already
some expertise and knowledge.  In the case of FreeType, it is fonts,
or rather, font technologies.  You have to use the library, you have
to understand it, and while working with it (this is, using it in your
programs) you suddenly find a glitch; this can be a documentation bug
(for example, a typo), a missing functionality, whatever.  This glitch
itches you so much that you are willing to submit a bug report, or
even better, a patch.  You start subscribing to the mailing list(s)
since you are interested in the project, you have ideas how to improve
stuff, you participate in the discussions, etc., etc.

If you are willing to follow this route, the problems come
automatically to you :-)

FreeType's issue tracker is here:


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