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off-topic: *message not available* in mail archive (Re: [Freetype-devel]

From: suzuki toshiya
Subject: off-topic: *message not available* in mail archive (Re: [Freetype-devel] Re: GSOC - Distance Fields)
Date: Wed, 13 May 2020 17:27:31 +0900
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20100329)

Dear Werner, Anuj,

Werner LEMBERG wrote:
>> Also, I can see **Message not available* *after my emails in the
>> freetype-devel archives.
> AFAICS, this is a pure accident.  The (automatically) deleted messages
> are spam, I reckon.
>> Am I doing something wrong?
> No, I don't think so.

Maybe *message not available* is caused by my participation to the
thread. My university uses Microsoft Offic365 email service which
rewrites the message-id during the forwarding. Thus, all emails
I receive via my personal server have non-original message-id.
For example, previous email from Werner in my mailbox has the

Clearly it is different from the original message-id which the
mail-archive server have. When I reply to this mail, the mail-archiver
thinks as "oh, the mail from mpsuzuki refers unknown email message-id,
it could be a private exchanged mail? make an entry stating unavailability".

If anybody had similar problem and resolved by some workaround,
please let me know.


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