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Re: [Freeipmi-devel] readline install not detected by freeIPMI

From: Ian Zimmerman
Subject: Re: [Freeipmi-devel] readline install not detected by freeIPMI
Date: 02 Nov 2004 13:24:03 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

Ian> We considered exiting configure unsuccessfully in a condition such
Ian> as yours, but I thought it wouldn't actually help any, just give
Ian> the errora bit earlier in the process.  Do you agree or disagree?

Al> I've always had a preference for exiting ./configure when a
Al> mandatory library is required but not found.  I usually add an
Al> AC_MSG_ERROR() to the fourth parameter of AC_CHECK_LIB().

We just discussed this with AB and we agreed that this solution is too
simplistic for our quite complicated situation.  Instead, we'll print a
summary at the end of configure that will say what we expected (based on
fish or no fish) and what we found.

Andrew, would you find that acceptable?  Of course, the best for you
would be if you could actually build freeipmi :-)


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