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[fluid-dev] GEN_FINETUNE resolution?

From: Alexandre Torres Porres
Subject: [fluid-dev] GEN_FINETUNE resolution?
Date: Sat, 14 May 2022 01:04:23 -0300

Hi, I'm using fluid_synth_set_gen and GEN_FINETUNE for fine tuning in cents. Actually, for general transposition but hoping it would be capable of very minute changes. 

So, it seems it doesn't have a float resolution. If I pass it "1" or "1.99", my pitch analyzer gives me the same value, then it shifts when I reach "2"!

By checking the code, I can see that the parameter value is passed as a float internally by fluidsynth so I don't know what might be wrong. Is there some internal bottleneck restriction under the hood somewhere that I couldn't find?

This is for a new Pd external and I can confirm I am passing float values. For reference, here's where I am passing the values https://github.com/porres/pd-sfont/blob/1f0cac968472b18ddc1cf56c2991450138a5d2dc/sfont~.c#L81 and being a Pd external, my pitch analyzer is the [sigmund~] object.

If by any chance fluidsynth currently has this restriction, I wonder if we can increase this resolution as this would be very nice and important for serious microtonal features.

I know about setting tuning scales, by the way, and I see they are passed as 'doubles'. I've made some tests too and I don't see the same truncation deal, but I'm not also convinced it has a proper resolution as changing a decimal value requires a good amount of difference to seemingly affect the pitch.


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