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Re: [Erc-discuss] Retroactively toggle time stamps and IRC notes

From: Morel Pisum
Subject: Re: [Erc-discuss] Retroactively toggle time stamps and IRC notes
Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2012 19:57:43 +0200
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>> Hi folks,
>> is there a way to *retroactively* toggle time stamps and/or IRC notes
>> (like joins, parts, quits, kicks, nicks and modes etc.) (for either all
>> buffers at the same time or for just the current buffer) such that I can
>> hide or make them visible whenever I want?
>> I'd appreciate *any* idea, opinion, comment, advices, criticism and
>> solution. Even if it's just an "I don't know.". :-)
> I haven't seen such a feature advertised, and it indeed sound very
> interesting and useful.

What a bummer. But yes, it's useful.

> I'd also add "messages from ignored users" to that list, since I have
> to go to logs for these sometimes.


> I wonder if it should be possible to hide text with some
> text-properties set completely (i.e. not just same-color font/bg), but
> I imagine it should be - worst-case you should be able to reduce font
> and make this text unnoticeable.
> And the properties (I think) are already there, that's why you see
> system messages with different color, so it might be just a matter of
> customizing style of these, or maybe adding some more distinctive ones
> for some messages.

Yeah, it'd be very easy if we only wanted to change the face of those
messages since the needed code is already there.

> If you'll find the feature, or get around to implement it, I'll be
> very interested to hear about it.

The problem is that apart from my ~/.emacs which I copied altogether
from various sources, I don't quite know Emacs Lisp.

But I'd love to contribute as much as I can if we'd create a public
repository – maybe on GitHub or savannah or something.

> Otherwise, I'll probably look into it myself when I'll have more spare
> time on my hands, thanks for the idea.

> Also, I'm probably bad with emacs terminology, as I tweak elisp only
> occasionaly, so please substitute (mis)names of the features I've
> described above freely.

Since I'm a nooby, that's no problem for me :)

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