I have followed this discussion the whole time, but I originally did not take it too seriously because I considered the "over par" message a minor annoyance at most. But the more I think about it, the more I realize that you indeed have a good point. To put it bluntly: negative feedback, such as this, is simply bad game design, and unless the player explicitly asks for punishment, games should stick to positive reinforcement to motivate players. For this reason I would encourage Enigma's development team to change the message in future versions.
Regarding the problem of "fixing" current versions of Enigma... It's not overly complicated to build your own version of Enigma if you have at least a little programming experience; the most difficult aspect will be setting up the development environment (this is explained in doc/README.mingw32). The more economical (but messier) solution is to change the message text by modifying enigma.exe in a hex editor. I feel somewhat bad for even suggesting this, but if the "over par" message really annoys you, this might be the easiest route ;)
On Aug 14, 2011, at Aug 14 - 12:21 , Roy McCoy wrote:
>> i do not quite understand what you want me to do?
> What I wrote before is that it bothers me to get "over par" at the end of every level. I would like it to say simply "Level finished!" instead, without reminding me every time that I was purportedly too slow in getting through the level. I don't want to do them fast, I just want to do them.
> I'm not a programmer (or I could presumably do this myself), but looking at http://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/enigma-devel/2010-02/txtwhrPLo5BJw.txt there would seem to be two ways to make this change:
> 1. Change msgid at #: src/client.cc:823 to "Level finished!" as at #: src/client.cc:825.
> 2. Change 823 call(s) to 825 call(s).
> I of course don't care at all which of these is done or if it's something different, as long as "Level finished, but over par!" winds up changed to "Level finished!" You could, for example, change "Level finished - better than par!" to "Level finished!" as well, though this isn't important to me since I'll probably never be under par on any of the levels.
> Thanks!
> Roy McCoy
> Rotterdam, NL