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[Enigma-devel] Enigma 1.10 Pre Alpha - Revision 2089

From: Ronald Lamprecht
Subject: [Enigma-devel] Enigma 1.10 Pre Alpha - Revision 2089
Date: Thu, 13 May 2010 12:03:37 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20100317 Thunderbird/3.0.4


We reached pre alpha of the upcoming 1.10 release! It is revision 2089 on our svn development trunk! It is a release for level authors and testers.

Since milestone 5 we did fix all known issues with the new API, did vastly improve the graphic images, especially concerning the support of large and small screen resolutions. The new Sokoban library is ready and supplied with 3 levelpacks for test feedback. Levels scores that have been played with Enigma 0.92 or earlier will now be marked by a yellow warning triangle, as these scores will be invalidated in future. It is time to replay these levels with a more reliable current version of Enigma. Furtheron the support for Mac and Windows has been updated and improved.

I uploaded a Windows compilation:

(md5 - 24d87d4d329beb90dac29423e28bc9be)

and a Mac OS X compilation (by Sidney Markowitz):

(md5 - 1bbc1ad46fefe3e927d1811b4aed16a7)

Meanwhile the number of new API levels are the clear majority of all levels. Here our statistics for the Enigma levelpacks:

Statistics for new API levels:
Number of scanned levels:    854
Number of rewritten levels:  401
Number of new API additions: 216
Number of new API levels:    617
Ratio of new API levels:     72.00 %
Statistics for rewritten levels:
Sum of old API code lines:   43123
Sum of new API code lines:   17496
Number of removed lines:     25627
Percent removed lines:       60.00 %
Average removed code per level: 47.40 %

Concerning the graphic image models we can state:
Gfx 16:
Stones st_*:   128
Floors fl_*:   34
Items it_*:    39
Actors ac_*:   18
Shadows sh_*:  32
Overall:       259
Gfx 32:
Stones st_*:   158
Floors fl_*:   61
Items it_*:    81
Actors ac_*:   22
Shadows sh_*:  36
Overall:       378
Gfx 40:
Stones st_*:   158
Floors fl_*:   61
Items it_*:    81
Actors ac_*:   22
Shadows sh_*:  36
Overall:       378
Gfx 48:
Stones st_*:   158
Floors fl_*:   61
Items it_*:    81
Actors ac_*:   22
Shadows sh_*:  36
Overall:       378
Gfx 64:
Stones st_*:   128
Floors fl_*:   34
Items it_*:    42
Actors ac_*:   18
Shadows sh_*:  32
Overall:       262
Missing #models
 119 /home/raoul/gfx_todo_16
 116 /home/raoul/gfx_todo_64

Even though this release is called pre alpha it is expected to be very stable. Please report any remaining problems and inconsistencies.

And what is still missing? Not much :-) The main point is the completion of an update feature that will allow us to distribute level updates without a release of a complete new Enigma release. Of course there are further release specific tasks as an update of the user manual, translations, etc.

Level authors may please check the included versions of their levels. We still have a large amount of untested or unfinished levels in queue. If you like to have one or two levels of special interest being added to the official release, please drop a note. The remaining levels will be distributed after the release with the update feature.



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