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Re: [Enigma-devel] Finnish Translation/Localization

From: Ronald Lamprecht
Subject: Re: [Enigma-devel] Finnish Translation/Localization
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2007 00:17:02 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (Windows/20050923)


Mikke wrote:
I would like to write a Finnish translation of the game. I haven't started yet but I have a feeling I might even accomplish it some time. After browsing some similar issues about translations into other languages, I have came across to a point where you would need to modify the enigma.pot file into another language and that would do the translation.

I was a bit unsure about this, so I have a couple of questions about this. First, is it really so that just modifying enigma.pot file into a <country>.po file is enough? Do I need any specific tools for translation, excluding notepad? Is there any way to test the language without any 3rd party tools? (As the localized versions are in .mo file a notepad can't read very well.) If not, which tools would I need to test out the language translation? Also, is it recommended to
use my real name or could I use my internet nick for contributes?

Yes, filling out the .pot file and then renaming it to <languagecode>.po (it is based on language not country) is all that is needed to create a translation. Using notepad is ok, but there is a slight chance your will run across some porblems with character sets. When you send the file to the Enigma developers, we should be able to correct those problems if they still exist. (Unix/POSIX sytems have better tools for converting text between chacter sets than Windows has).

It would be preferable if you could use a utf-8 aware texteditor like Jedit, Textpad,...

To convert the files to .mo format requires the use of GNU gettext. It can be a pain to work with on windows. If you send us a .po file we can convert it for you so you can test it. That is probably easier than trying to setup GNU gettext on windows if you are not familar with GNU/Linux (or other POSIX systems).

For testing your translations you will need the utility "msgfmt" out
of Gnu gettext. The GnuWin32 version is located at
http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/gettext.htm . The
bin package contains "msgfmt.exe".

Process your translation with the command:

msgfmt -c --statistics -o enigma.mo fi.po

and copy the resulting output file "enigma.mo" to an enigma
subdirectory of another language f.e. hungarian:


Restart Enigma, select the substitute language (hungarian - magyar) to run and test your latest translations.

Feel free to ask any question you have.

Thanks for any contribution

-- Ronald

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