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[Enigma-devel] Sound problem on one computer

From: George Lengel
Subject: [Enigma-devel] Sound problem on one computer
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 20:54:38 -0400
User-agent: KMail/1.6.2

Hello Enigma gurus,

I have Enigma installed on two computers in my house. Both run Debian Sarge 
with KDE3.2.2 and alsa 1.04 compiled from source. The working one has had 
Enigma installed for a long time, the nonworking one I installed Enigma from 
the 0.81 .deb just two weeks ago. Synaptic also downloaded 2 or 3 other 
packages when I requested Enigma on the second machine so I assume everything 
it needs is installed but cannot be sure.

On the main computer sound works fine for all users. The sound card is a 
builtin SIS chip that uses the Intel8x0 module. Sound works  on every program 
I try just fine. On the second computer it has a VIA826xx sound chip using 
the VIA826xx module. Sound works for almost everything there except Enigma. I 
have tied every Enigma setting with no luck. It works for no users at all but 
sound for all users works in other programs. 

If I start Enigma from the command line on the nonworking computer, I see an 
error message "Couldn't open mixer;" which looks strange to me. Everywhere I 
search on this error message on Google it looks like "Couldn't open mixer 
device /dev/mixer". It is sort of like no mixer is defined as far as Enigma 
is concerned. I have a /dev/mixer linked to /dev/mixer0 with permissions 0777 
and all users are in the audio group. 

Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong with the Enigma sound on the 
second computer?

Thanks for all suggestions and ideas.

George Lengel (Worm)
"Kohli head. You could have been lava bones.

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