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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Documentation

From: pll+ew
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Documentation
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 11:48:16 -0500

In a message dated: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 17:24:19 +0100
"Helge Kosuch" said:

>I guess we all should work on this to get it. Martin already volunteered,
>but the more people help him, the better.

I agree!

>I will do so and you should also, Paul.

And I'm on my way (Hmmm, is there a way to write all this in Emacs, 
the upload the pages to the EmacsWiki.org website?

Or is it a cut'n'paste thing (Hmmm, I suppose if I turned on w3c 
mode, it might work :)

I noticed that it states here 

   EmacsWikiMode is an important part of PlannerMode.

Which is the chicken and which is the egg :)  I thought EmacsWikiMode 
spawned PlannerMode?  Am I backwards?

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