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Emacs User Survey 2020 Results

From: Adrien Brochard
Subject: Emacs User Survey 2020 Results
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2020 11:40:14 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:84.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/84.0

Hi everyone,

After a week of reading every submission, cleaning up the data, and
leaning matplotlib, I finally have enough confidence to publish the
results of the Emacs User Survey 2020.


I want to thank everyone who responded, commented, and shared it!
There's over 7300 responses and it's really thanks to this amazing

There is still a lot to do, the data could always be analyzed
differently, the website could be nicer, etc, but the responses have
been so overwhelmingly positive that I just have to publish without more
delay. If you have feedback or feel like contributing, all source and
data are public.

Thank you again!

Adrien Brochard

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