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Re: [PATCH] Highlight ANSI sequences in the whole buffer (was [PATCH] A

From: Nathaniel Nicandro
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Highlight ANSI sequences in the whole buffer (was [PATCH] ANSI color on example blocks and fixed width elements)
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 17:50:36 -0500
User-agent: mu4e 1.12.2; emacs 29.3

Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@posteo.net> writes:

>> Some comments about the patch, as it currently stands, follow.
>> - I've introduced two text properties `org-ansi' and
>>   `org-ansi-context'.
>>   The first is placed on the regions that actually contain ANSI
>>   sequences and holds information about the sequence that is useful to
>>   keep around to detect when a sequence has been modified or deleted
>>   between fontification cycles, as well as information about whether
>>   or not a sequence should be revealed due to modifications or because
>>   of visibility changes.
> Let's drop the part with modifications/visibility changes. It should not
> be a job for fontification function, so let's not complicate things (as
> I mentioned above). I believe that 'org-ansi may no longer be needed
> once we drop this.

You want me to remove the code that is responsible for keeping the
sequences visible according to `org-fold-show-set-visibility` and
according to whether or not the sequence is currently being edited then?
What should I do instead? If I remove the code for the modification
changes, then it would be difficult to edit the sequences when
`org-ansi-hide-sequences` is t since they would remain invisible while


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