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Re: [patch] ox-beamer: allow setting frame subtitle with BEAMER_SUBTITLE

From: hugo
Subject: Re: [patch] ox-beamer: allow setting frame subtitle with BEAMER_SUBTITLE property
Date: Mon, 08 Jul 2024 13:57:09 +0100
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.6.6

Hi Ihor,

I think that it will make more sense to recognize Org markup in the > BEAMER_SUBTITLE property value.

I agree, that would be a good idea. I tried to implement this in the same way as with the frametitle:

| (let ((env (org-element-property :BEAMER_ENV headline)))
|   (format "{%s}"
|           (if (and env (equal (downcase env) "fullframe")) ""
|             (org-export-data
|              (org-element-property :title headline) info))))

Like this:

| (when-let ((subtitle
|             (org-element-property :BEAMER_SUBTITLE headline)))
|   (format "{%s}"
|           (org-export-data subtitle info)))

but it doesn't work---the subtitle is just rendered verbatim (even if it has org markup---this is included in the .tex file). I've had a look around the various data export functions and I can't work out why not. Can you (or someone else) advise?

Also, please announce the new feature in the ORG-NEWS.

Will do, when I've got the formatting working.

Very best,


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