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Re: org-babel guile source block bug in handling multiple values

From: Bruno Barbier
Subject: Re: org-babel guile source block bug in handling multiple values
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2023 20:38:09 +0100

Hi Zelphir,

Zelphir Kaltstahl <zelphirkaltstahl@posteo.de> writes:

> On 3/7/23 20:52, Bruno Barbier wrote:

> Also thanks for the idea with sessions + separate import source block. I 
> thought 
> that should work, but apparently that also has the same error, when running 
> for 
> the first time:
> ...

Oh, I see. I tested something way simpler :-)

First, one block to open and configure the guile session.

     #+begin_src scheme :session "!guile" :results silent
     (import (except (rnrs base) error vector-map)
              (only (guile)
              ;; let-values
              (srfi srfi-11))

Then, you can get to work and evaluate as many blocks as you like in
that session:

     #+begin_src scheme :session "!guile" :results output replace drawer :var 
x=1 :var y=2
     (let-values ([(a b) (values x y)])
        (simple-format #t "~a ~a\n" a b))

     1 2


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