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Re: [wip-cite-new] Adjust punctuation around citations

From: Bruce D'Arcus
Subject: Re: [wip-cite-new] Adjust punctuation around citations
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2021 18:12:49 -0400

On Sat, Jun 12, 2021 at 6:04 PM Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr> wrote:

> Of course, different punctuation marks exist, so characters are at least
> locale-dependant. But I don't know if the set is entirely determined by
> the locale or if it also depends on the "style" of the document.

It's a good question. I need to think about this one.

> > So the upshot is if users want this functionality for LaTeX/PDF, they
> > should use oc-biblatex for that export target?
> Actually, that's the opposite. I don't know if it is possible, or even
> appropriate, to port that feature to `biblatex' and `natbib' processors.
> So, ATM, if you want it, and target LaTeX/PDF, your only option is
> `csl'.

OIC; I misread your post.

To clarify (I realized after sending that message I should have done
so), biblatex, at least, has this sort of punctuation moving included
out-of-box. So there's indeed no need to include it in oc-biblatex.

I thought you were saying you were not including such moving in oc-csl
latex export, hence my question.

So I think we're good on that then.


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