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Re: Syntax Proposal: Multi-line Table Cells/Text Wrapping

From: Daniele Nicolodi
Subject: Re: Syntax Proposal: Multi-line Table Cells/Text Wrapping
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2021 22:02:11 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/78.8.0

On 17/03/2021 21:29, Atlas Cove wrote:

> Allow me to give an example of the updated syntax I propose.
> ```
> | Name         | Description            | Price |
> |--------------+------------------------+-------|
> | Orange Juice | Very Citrusy! Very \\  |  5.00 |
> |              | nice indeed!           |       |
> | Grape Juice  | It's like wine, but \\ |  6.00 |
> |              | you can have it all \\ |       |
> |              | day!                   |       |
> ```
> As you can see, this is a lot more space-efficient than the current, vanilla 
> solution, especially if there's a large block of text.
> ```
> | Name         | Description                                  | Price |
> |--------------+----------------------------------------------+-------|
> | Orange Juice | Very Citrusy! Very nice indeed!              |  5.00 |
> | Grape Juice  | It's like wine, but you can have it all day! |  6.00 |
> ```

Nitpicking: technically the second table is more space efficient than
the first: in the first table the information is represented in 350
characters, but in just 288 characters in the second table.


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