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bug#44935: Emacs inserts hardwired org-agenda-files variable, overwritin
From: |
daniela-spit |
Subject: |
bug#44935: Emacs inserts hardwired org-agenda-files variable, overwriting user options |
Date: |
Sun, 29 Nov 2020 16:12:24 +0100 |
> Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2020 at 4:07 PM
> From: "Eli Zaretskii" <eliz@gnu.org>
> To: daniela-spit@gmx.it
> Cc: 44935@debbugs.gnu.org
> Subject: bug#44935: Emacs inserts hardwired org-agenda-files variable,
> overwriting user options
> > From: daniela-spit@gmx.it
> > Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2020 22:34:07 +0100
> >
> > I have identified a problem. Let a user set the files to be used for
> > Org Agenda in .emacs as follows, and consider the situation when the
> > file writing.rcl.org does not exist.
> >
> > (setq org-agenda-files
> > '("~/02histr/gadmin/writing.rcl.org"
> > "~/02histr/gadmin/meeting.rcl.org"
> > "~/02histr/gadmin/household.rcl.org"))
> >
> > Emacs demands that the file writing.rcl.org be removed from
> > org-agenda-files.
> > Then Emacs sabotages the user's settings by hardwiring org-agenda-files at
> > the
> > end of the file .emacs by inserting:
> >
> > (custom-set-variables
> > ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
> > ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
> > ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
> > ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
> > '(org-agenda-files
> > '("~/02histr/gadmin/meeting.rcl.org"
> > "~/02histr/gadmin/household.rcl.org")))
> >
> > This should be considered a bug.
> Shouldn't this be reported to the Org developers?
What mailing should I use to report it to Org Developers?
- bug#44935: Emacs inserts hardwired org-agenda-files variable, overwriting user options, Eli Zaretskii, 2020/11/29
- bug#44935: Emacs inserts hardwired org-agenda-files variable, overwriting user options,
daniela-spit <=
- Message not available
- bug#44935: Emacs inserts hardwired org-agenda-files variable, overwriting user options, daniela-spit, 2020/11/29
- Message not available
- bug#44935: Emacs inserts hardwired org-agenda-files variable, overwriting user options, daniela-spit, 2020/11/29
- Re: bug#44935: Emacs inserts hardwired org-agenda-files variable, overwriting user options, Tim Cross, 2020/11/29
- Re: bug#44935: Emacs inserts hardwired org-agenda-files variable, overwriting user options, Christopher Dimech, 2020/11/29
- Re: bug#44935: Emacs inserts hardwired org-agenda-files variable, overwriting user options, tomas, 2020/11/30
- Message not available
- Message not available
- Re: bug#44935: Emacs inserts hardwired org-agenda-files variable, overwriting user options, gyro funch, 2020/11/29
- Re: bug#44935: Emacs inserts hardwired org-agenda-files variable, overwriting user options, daniela-spit, 2020/11/29