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Re: [O] Release 9.0 test failed: test-ob/indented-cached-org-bracket-lin

From: Achim Gratz
Subject: Re: [O] Release 9.0 test failed: test-ob/indented-cached-org-bracket-link
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2016 18:55:38 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.1.50 (gnu/linux)

Charles C. Berry writes:
> Doing this with `make test', I see that default-directory is let bound to
> "/var/folders/kb/2hchpbyj7lb6z76l0q73w_fh0000gn/T//tmp-orgtest/"
> and (concat default-directory "test.txt") will retain the double slash.

Not to sound facetious, but it seems that the make variable testdir gets
set to a path that has a trailing slash.  Fix that and the problem
should go away (most likely TMPDIR has a trailing slash).  Check with

: make config

or even

: make config-all

that the variable is set correctly.

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