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Re: [O] Defining directory tree structure from org-attach to reflect hea

From: aaermolov
Subject: Re: [O] Defining directory tree structure from org-attach to reflect headers
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2016 18:41:42 +0300

I'm not completely up to topic, but it seems to me that org-attach
machinery is more about a content-addressable storage, so it makes
little sense for what you want this way.

But those who know more, can obviously correct me.


Rainer M Krug <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi
> I have effectively the same question as Adm here:
> [http://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/26412/human-readable-directory-tree-with-org-attach]
> I would like to have the directory tree of the attachments managed by
> org-attach to reflect the document structure as defined by the
> headlines.
> To quote from his question:
> ,----
> | * This headline
> |   ** This sub-headline 1
> |   ** This sub-headline 2
> | * This second headline
> | 
> | matches to the directory structure:
> | 
> | - This headline
> |   - This sub-headline 1
> |   - This sub-headline 2
> | - This second headline
> `----
> I started using to set the directories, but for this I need the
> additional step of defining it per subtree. Is there a way to configure
> org-attach to automatically use the header name instead of the uuid?
> Thanks,
> Rainer
> -- 
> Rainer M. Krug
> email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
> PGP: 0x0F52F982

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