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Re: [O] PDF font

From: Eduardo Mercovich
Subject: Re: [O] PDF font
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2016 18:09:37 -0300
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.17; emacs 24.5.1

Hi Philip.

> My goal is a 1-page PDF invoice [...]

>> If the only specs you'd like to change are just those fonts, and
>> something like Memoir starts with a decent general layout (depending on
>> your needs), then it makes sense to tweak it a bit and from then on,
>> just use the latex export.

> I don't know what Memoir is or how I would use it. I'm guessing it's a
> LaTeX package and I would use a #+ATTR_LATEX declaration to configure
> it?

Yes, but if a 1 page pdf invoice is what you want, it certainly is
overkill. What you want is more akin to a custo cover page in which you
input the data as org properties like in

#+TITLE: Your Title Here
#+SUBTITLE: Subtitle here
#+DATE: dd/mm/yyyy
#+AUTHOR: your name (or it can be taken as fixed)
#+EMAIL: address@hidden
#+YOURDEFINEDFIELDS: added here, as many as you like.

The effort is meaningfull if you plan to do many and want to minimize
the task. If not, I'm afraid that a simpler approach -like a pdf created
from LibreOffice Calc- may be more adequate...

eduardo mercovich 

 Donde se cruzan tus talentos 
 con las necesidades del mundo, 
 ahí está tu vocación.

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