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Re: [O] Fwd: comment lines inside org tables

From: Rolf Sander (MPI)
Subject: Re: [O] Fwd: comment lines inside org tables
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2016 14:30:55 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/45.3.0

Hello Eric,

could you not simply use the / label and then have a comment in one of
the existing columns, a column that is width restricted so that a
large amount of text doesn't affect alignent? You can then use the
special edit mode (C-c `) for long entries to see the full comment.

Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, I could do this and see something like
this in emacs:

|   | <12>         |       |        |
|   | animal       | size  | number |
|   | gnus         | big   |      3 |
| / | don't forg=> |       |        |
|   | gnats        | small |   1000 |

The real contents of the file, however, would look very different:

|   | <12>         |       |        |
|   | animal       | size  | number |
|   | gnus         | big   |      3 |
| / | don't forget to add elephants here: |       |        |
|   | gnats        | small |   1000 |

Since I am sharing my table with several colleagues at work, it is
important that the columns are really aligned in the file (not only when
viewing the file in org-mode). Unfortunately, not all of my colleagues
are using emacs...

I am still waiting for an answer to my question if the solution with
"|-/" comments that I have proposed has any negative side effects...

     Best regards

  Rolf Sander                              phone: [+49] 6131/305-4610
  Max-Planck Institute of Chemistry        email: address@hidden
  PO Box 3060, 55020 Mainz, Germany     homepage: www.rolf-sander.net

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