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[O] comment lines inside org tables

From: Rolf Sander (MPI)
Subject: [O] comment lines inside org tables
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2016 10:05:55 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/45.3.0


I need to put comments inside a very big table which then should
basically looks like this:

| animal | size  | number |
| gnus   | big   |      3 |
# don't forget to add elephants here:
| gnats  | small |   1000 |

However, if I simply add a line in the middle of the table, org-tbl
splits it into separate tables with different column widths:

| animal | size | number |
| gnus   | big  |      3 |
# don't forget to add elephants here:
| gnats | small | 1000 |

If I start the comment line with "|", the comment becomes an active part
of the table and goes into the first column:

| animal                              | size  | number |
| gnus                                | big   |      3 |
| don't forget to add elephants here: |       |        |
| gnats                               | small |   1000 |

If I start the comment with "|-", it turns into a line separator and the
comment text disappears.

Any suggestions?

     Best regards

  Rolf Sander                              phone: [+49] 6131/305-4610
  Max-Planck Institute of Chemistry        email: address@hidden
  PO Box 3060, 55020 Mainz, Germany     homepage: www.rolf-sander.net

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