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[O] Emacs/ESS/org freezes/hangs on big data/ RAM(~256GB) processes when

From: Xebar Saram
Subject: [O] Emacs/ESS/org freezes/hangs on big data/ RAM(~256GB) processes when run in org/babel
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2015 22:09:35 +0300

Hi all

im not sure if this is absolutely the correct forum to raise this and if not would be also happy to get input on where to persue this issue.

i recently dived into using orgmode, ESS, Babel etc to run code and im really love it. The problem i have (and im not sure if its a org,Emacs or ess issue) is that emacs sometimes (and mostly when dealing with R processes involving HUGE databases) will just hang/freeze.

I do alot of modeling work that involves using huge datasets and run process intensive R processes (such as complex mixed models, Gamms etc). in R studio all works well yet when i use the orgmode eval on R code blocks it works well for small simple process but 90% of the time when dealing with complex models and bug data (up to 256GB) it will just freeze emacs/ess. sometimes i can C-c or C-g it and other times i need to physically kill emacs.

here is an example of such process that hangs

**** lmer 
run the lmer part regressing stage 2 pred Vs mean pm

#+BEGIN_SRC R  :session Rorg  :results none
m2.smooth = lme(pred.m2 ~ meanPM25,random = list(aodid= ~1 + meanPM25),control=lmeControl(opt = "optim"), data= "" )
#correlate to see everything from mod2 and the mpm works
mod2[, pred.t31 := predict(m2.smooth)]
mod2[, resid  := residuals(m2.smooth)]

i usually issue org-babel-execute-subtree to eval several subsections under a main header.

again i dont know if its an org mode isse perse but would love to hear from people that have experience using R/org with big data/RAM and maybe point me to where to raise these issues



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