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Re: [O] Tangling takes long - profiling and calling R

From: Rainer M Krug
Subject: Re: [O] Tangling takes long - profiling and calling R
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2015 12:34:42 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.5 (darwin)

Nicolas Goaziou <address@hidden> writes:

> Hello,
> Rainer M Krug <address@hidden> writes:
>> I have a relatively large file with
>> about 200 =source blocks (R) to be tangled to get an R package. But the
>> tangling takes about 20 seconds.
>> Profiling the tangling showed that the call to ~mapcar~ in
>> ~org-babel-params-from-properties~ takes about 40% of the execution time
>> (see profiler excerpt below). Is there anything one can do to make this
>> faster?
> In this function, there is
>      ;; DEPRECATED header arguments specified as separate property at
>      ;; point of definition
>      (let (val sym)
>        (org-babel-parse-multiple-vars
>       (delq nil
>             (mapcar
>              (lambda (header-arg)
>                (and (setq val (org-entry-get (point) header-arg t))
>                     (cons (intern (concat ":" header-arg))
>                           (org-babel-read val))))
>              (mapcar
>               #'symbol-name
>               (mapcar
>                #'car
>                (org-babel-combine-header-arg-lists
>                 org-babel-common-header-args-w-values
>                 (progn
>                   (setq sym (intern (concat "org-babel-header-args:" lang)))
>                   (and (boundp sym) (eval sym))))))))))
> While the 3 `mapcar' calls could be turned into a single one, I wonder
> if this snippet could be removed altogether instead. It has been
> deprecated for 2 years already.

I would not remove it as even I have some org files using them - shame
on me.

But what about making it user configurable? a variable
~org-babel-tangle-use-deprecated-header-args~ which if set to non-nil would
enable this additional code, if nil it would be skipped? The default
should be set to ~t~ to be backward compatible.



> Regards,

Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology, 
UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)

Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Stellenbosch University
South Africa

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