I have a relatively large file with
about 200 =source blocks (R) to be tangled to get an R package. But the
tangling takes about 20 seconds.
Profiling the tangling showed that the call to ~mapcar~ in
~org-babel-params-from-properties~ takes about 40% of the execution time
(see profiler excerpt below). Is there anything one can do to make this
In addition to this, I observed there is some interaction with ESS when
tangling, which in my understanding is not necessary. I get messages
| ...
| Wrote /Users/rainerkrug/Documents/Projects/EnergyBalance/.Rbuildignore
| Wrote /Users/rainerkrug/Documents/Projects/EnergyBalance/tests/wpLELTest.R
| You are developing: (EnergyBalance)
| Wrote
| You are developing: (EnergyBalance)
| ...
where the messages "You are developing: (EnergyBalance)" come from
ESS. Is this to be expected that R is called for some blocks, but not
for others, when tangling?