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Re: [O] Testers / Feedback wanted: Gantt charts via org-gantt.el

From: Bernhard Schmitz
Subject: Re: [O] Testers / Feedback wanted: Gantt charts via org-gantt.el
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2015 08:42:05 +0000

> > I have added an option :lowlevel-scale (e.g. 0.5 or 0.75) that will scale 
> > the
> complete resulting chart.
> > You can of course also use the pgfgantt options (:options) x unit chart and 
> > y unit
> chart for more specific scaling.
> Lowlevel-scale doesn’t seem to have an effect, adjusting y units may prove 
> more
> useful.

Hmm, this seemed to work fine, but I now notice it does not really do what I 
I'll have to look at it again.

> > Unfortunately, if you have sub-day effort estimates, this will currently 
> > not be
> displayed correctly, as the start and end shift is computed based on days. I 
> should
> probably look into that.
> > Supporting weeks is difficult, as pgf-gantt does not natively support them 
> > for
> compression, only for title calendar.
> This is probably something that should be addressed in pgfgantt.
> A flight to Alpha Centauri takes about 1600 days.[1]
> If you assume 5 mm per day that would still need 8 m of wallpaper (and a 
> larger
> office).
> I probably wouldn’t care about sub-day efforts in this case.
> Emptying the litter box will be a checkpoint item, not a scheduled task.

This was just a warning about the current state. Correctly computing the offset 
for compressed calendars (so that the offset displays the day) should not be 

> >> I'm not sure about inheritance:
> >> If I have a deadline for a task, should the subtasks inherit that deadline 
> >> unless
> an
> >> explicit deadline is given?
> >> If I have a deadline for a task and efforts for all subtasks, should the 
> >> task
> inherit
> >> that effort?
> >>
> >> That way I can give a deadline to the task and estimate efforts to get an 
> >> initial
> >> chart.
> >> Using this chart I can divide the subtasks between workers, rearrange the
> >> deadlines for the subtasks and finally define a scheduled date for the main
> task.
> >
> > This works for ordered subheadlines. Deadlines are propagated downwards, if
> the subheadlines are ordered.
> > If the subheadlines are not ordered, deadlines are only propagated upwards, 
> > as
> it is not clear which task(s) should inherit the deadline.
> > So you can set a deadline to the (last) subtask, and it will be propagated 
> > to its
> super task.
> The last (as in time, not position in file) deadline will be promoted to the 
> super
> task, right?
> That way I can keep an „Integration of Submodules“ task and deadline that.

Yes, the last deadline (and the first schedule) of any task is promoted to the 
super task, if the supertask does not have a deadline/schedule itself. But I 
don't understand why you would need an Integration task with a deadline, you 
can just deadline the supertask itself.

> >> This gives me another idea:
> >> Filter / color by tag.
> >> Print only tasks tagged :Axel: to show my workload, and print tasks tagged
> >> :Sam_One: to show tasks I have delegated.
> > Isn't this already doable by using sparse trees?
> Can I build a gantt chart from a sparse tree?
> The sparse tree shows me what is assigned to whom.
> What I want to see is the effort and the time the effort is scheduled.
> This is probably too much to ask since org is more personal manager and not a
> project planer.

The comment about sparse trees was not quite well thought out from my side. I 
will have to look at it again.
There are now some options for tags (:use-tags :ignore-tags :tags-bar-style and 
:tags-group-style) that does all of this, but tags are not yet correctly 
promoted to subheadlines, so it does not really work correctly, atm.
You can use :tags-bar-style and :tags-group-style, which is an alist of 
("tagname" . "style") conses, that styles headlines with tags for groups and 
bars. The current ganttexperiment.org has an example.
I will probably not be able to work on this any further until the end of the 


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