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Re: [O] org-latex question

From: Marcin Borkowski
Subject: Re: [O] org-latex question
Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2015 11:39:30 +0200

On 2015-04-12, at 10:59, Vikas Rawal <address@hidden> wrote:

>>> How do I get a headline to be exported like this?
>>> \section[Effect on staff turnover]{An analysis of the
>>> effect of the revised recruitment policies on staff
>>> turnover at divisional headquarters}
>>> That is, with an extra short-title to be used in Table of Contents and
>>> other running heads?
>> See :ALT_TITLE: property.
> ALT_TITLE seems to work only for those headlines that appear in the Table of 
> Contents. While that is the main purpose, this does not have to be 
> necessarily the case. In the present case, I need it because LaTeX would not 
> accept a footnote to a heading without it.

True.  This is because org-latex-headline is written this way:

| (if (and numberedp opt-title
| ;;   ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ why this?  Maybe there's a good reason...
|                  (not (equal opt-title full-text))
|                  (string-match "\\`\\\\\\(.*?[^*]\\){" section-fmt))
|             (...)
|           ;; Impossible to add an alternative heading.  Fallback to
|           ;; regular sectioning format string.
|           (format section-fmt full-text
|                   (concat headline-label pre-blanks contents)))

However, it need not be this way: LaTeX itself (or more precisely: the
default classes) seem to support the alt-title even for starred
sectioning commands.

Also, another way to circumvent this (/if/ there is some deep reason for
the above code which I don't see, which is quite probable) is to hack
into this part of the let form in org-latex-headline:

| (section-back-end
|           (org-export-create-backend
|            :parent 'latex
|            :transcoders
|            '((underline . (lambda (o c i) (format "\\underline{%s}" c))))))

and apply a (smart enough) filter in the (auxiliary) section-back-end,
something like removing a match for


(this would be easy to break; in general, regexen are not a suitable
tool for this, because they can't "count" and match braces; however,
writing a suitable filter should not be extremely difficult).

> Vikas


Marcin Borkowski
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Adam Mickiewicz University

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