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Re: [O] org-cite and org-citeproc

From: Richard Lawrence
Subject: Re: [O] org-cite and org-citeproc
Date: Thu, 02 Apr 2015 08:11:56 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.4 (gnu/linux)

Hi Eric and all,

Eric S Fraga <address@hidden> writes:

> On Wednesday,  1 Apr 2015 at 08:49, Andreas Leha wrote:
> [...]
>> I am a happy biblatex user for all my 'own' documents.  But (as was
>> mentioned previously) scientific journals that accept latex submissions
>> will require bibtex and won't support biblatex.  So, I'd say that one of
>> the other methods (preferably bibtex) is still necessary.
> Ahhh, yes, I'd forgotten that journals expect bibtex.  This is a key
> requirement for me as well therefore.

Can someone suggest how a parenthetical citation with common prefix and
suffix data, like

  [(cite): For more on this topic, see:; @Work1 for a review; @Work2;
  and references therein.] 

should map to plain BibTeX?  Maybe there is no general answer to this
question, but what would a reasonable default be?  Maybe this?

  (For more on this topic, see: \cite{Work1} for a review, \cite{Work2},
  and references therein.)

That is, just place the prefix and suffix data in the surrounding text,
inserting commas after the part for each individual work, and wrapping
the whole thing in parentheses?


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