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Re: [O] Org mode installation problems

From: Felix Fernandes
Subject: Re: [O] Org mode installation problems
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2015 16:54:46 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (http://gmane.org/)

> It does not bother me as much as the following keyboard macro 
> (fset 'jk
> [?\M-x ?o ?r ?g ?- ?c ?a ?p ?t ?u ?r ?e return ?t return ?\C-e ?  ?j ?k
> ?\C-c ?\C-c])
> that should invoke the following template:
>  (setq org-capture-templates '(("t" "Todo" entry (file "~/org/j.org"))))

If it helps to debug, here is the backtrace from M-x jk as defined above:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Capture abort: (wrong-type-argument
stringp (file:~/org/todo.org::*Tasks Tasks))")
  signal(error ("Capture abort: (wrong-type-argument stringp
(file:~/org/todo.org::*Tasks Tasks))"))
  error("Capture abort: %s" (wrong-type-argument stringp
("file:~/org/todo.org::*Tasks" "Tasks")))
  byte-code("\301\302!\203\302!\210\300\304" [error get-buffer "*Capture*"
kill-buffer "Capture abort: %s"] 3)
  call-interactively(org-capture record nil)
  command-execute(org-capture record)
  execute-extended-command(nil "org-capture")
  call-interactively(execute-extended-command nil nil)
  command-execute(jj record)
  execute-extended-command(nil "jj")
  call-interactively(execute-extended-command nil nil)

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