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Re: [O] How do you show the entires in the logbook drawer in the agenda

From: Eric Abrahamsen
Subject: Re: [O] How do you show the entires in the logbook drawer in the agenda
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 11:42:52 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.130012 (Ma Gnus v0.12) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

address@hidden (jenia.ivlev) writes:

> Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden> writes:
>> address@hidden (jenia.ivlev) writes:
>>> Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden> writes:
>>>> address@hidden (jenia.ivlev) writes:
>>>>> Hello.
>>>>> I thought that the entires in the logbook drawer - entered pressing `C-c
>>>>> C-z` in orgmode - would show up in the agenda, pressing `C-c a a`, but
>>>>> they do not. 
>>>>> Is possible to somehow list those notes in the agenda?
>>>>> Thanks in advnace for your kind help.
>>>> Nice timing! If you hang on for just a couple of days, there ought to be
>>>> a command like this available to you -- we're working it out in another
>>>> thread.
>>>> Eric
>>> Hello.
>>> I decided to go to the org-mode repository
>>> (http://orgmode.org/w/org-mode.git) and I wanted to checkout the
>>> changes that you and your collaborators did. But i can't find a tag or 
>>> branch with your changes in it. 
>> That's because no commits have been made yet! There was a small bug to
>> fix first, and then... well one only has so much time for coding. I do
>> hope to get to it tonight.
>>> I want to do this because I though of reading them and patching my 
>>> existing org-mode program and that way learn how to do some emacs 
>>> programming.
>> Oh man, you shouldn't be reading my patches to learn elisp programming!
>> At least, not until Nicolas has fixed them up.
>>> Can you please tell me what commits should I start looking at to find
>>> the commits that you and your "teammates" did to enable the drawer
>>> entries with a [timestamp] in them to appear in the agenda logging-view ?
>> To be clear, what I'm working on is quite simple: a single command to
>> flash up the most recent log note in the minibuffer. Do I understand you
>> right that what you'd like is to use the logging view ("l" in the
>> agenda), and then see all the notes?
>> Hmmm, I just went and tried it, using the C-u prefix argument to show
>> "state" notes as well as "done" and "clock". 
> Thanks very much, its a useful comamnd. But how to I make appear the
> actual notes? You know the ones that you take my typing C-c C-z?

Right, that's the difference with what I'm working on now -- it would
show the most recent item in the log drawer, whatever it was. That's not
possible right now. The question is, do we want another version of the
logging view, or a simple command that just flashes up the most recent
note for the entry under point?

>> This actually already does
>> a lot of what I was after! Conceptually, it's presently aimed at "past
>> events", not current states, but I'll bet I can either expand the
>> logging-view to provide a "current" version, or at least steal some of
>> the code.
>> Of course, that means this might take me a little longer...
>> Eric
> Thanks again Eric.

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