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[O] org agenda clock check shows strange clocking gaps at beginning of d

From: Gregor Zattler
Subject: [O] org agenda clock check shows strange clocking gaps at beginning of day
Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 15:21:29 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.23 (2014-03-12)

Dear org-mode users and developers,

sometimes clockcheck shows strange clocking gaps:

    Sonntag     1 Juni 2014
    izt:        11:07-11:21 Clocked:   (0:14) heading - description
    Clocking gap: 96 minutes
    izt:        12:57-13:12 Clocked:   (0:15) heading - description
    Montag      2 Juni 2014 W23
    Dienstag    3 Juni 2014
    Mittwoch    4 Juni 2014
    Donnerstag  5 Juni 2014
    Freitag     6 Juni 2014
--> Clocking gap: 7536 minutes
    izt:        18:48-19:00 Clocked:   (0:12) heading - description
    Samstag     7 Juni 2014

All three clocking items belong to the same heading.  I'm fine
with the first clocking gabp.  But why is there a gap of 7536
minutes shown although ‘org-agenda-clock-consistency-checks’ is
at default values (gap-around 4:00)?

Ciao, Gregor
 -... --- .-. . -.. ..--.. ...-.-

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