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Re: [O] agenda: personal priority for today

From: Bastien
Subject: Re: [O] agenda: personal priority for today
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 10:37:05 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/24.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Hi Daniel,

Daniel Bausch <address@hidden> writes:

> Just do not touch the IDs of items not currently visible or add the name
> of the agenda to which this applies and have an AGENDA_BEFORE per agenda.

Mhh... looks like overengineering to me.

>> I think we should start thinking from the existing functionalities
>> we have with `org-agenda-sorting-strategy', which is already quite
>> rich (30 strategies!) and flexible.
>> But I cannot think of something that would match the OP request
>> at the moment.
> Then maybe a 31st is required ;-)
> I already use some of those 30 strategies, but am also not 100%
> satisfied with the result.  Global priorities are somewhat hard to
> define.  It is mentally easier to just say, hey this is more important
> than that.  The sequence in the Org file can reflect the order of
> insertion or the typical order of processing within a tree of projects.
>  But when steps from different projects mix within one daily agenda, it
> is not always possible to prioritize project A over project B.
> Repeatedly exchanging project A and project B in the file is cumbersome
> and if there are two projects from different files, one would need to
> adjust the org-agenda-files variable.
> I often have more TODOs on the daily agenda, than I will be able to
> resolve on that day.  Deciding on the next most important one everytime
> when switching the task makes me tired.  Doing things in a random order
> feels dangerous.
> How do you decide what to do next?

I bind `=' to a custom agenda command that will find out what to do
next depending on the Emacs context.

For example, when reading emails, C-c a = will find next emails to
process; when in *.el C-c a = will find next Emacs/Org bugs to deal
with; when in my big garden.org file, C-c a = will find the next
useless stuff I want to watch/read. 

(See `org-agenda-custom-commands-contexts' if you don't use it yet.)

I don't use clocking that much, but I do set efforts nonetheless,
because I like using `org-agenda-max-effort' in agenda views: this
way I'm sure the agenda is not cluttered with tasks I didn't care
enough about to set an effort for them.

And above all, I try to discipline myself not setting to many
"NEXT" tasks.  First my notion of "NEXT" was "Yeah, I can do this
quickly!", now it is more like "This *needs* to be done next",
obviously a small set.

So as you see, I don't need too much fancy sorting in the agenda
because I try to keep my agenda very short.  The need for fancy
sorting tells that agendas are too big, and sorting will only
help, not solve this problem.

2 cents of course,


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