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Re: [O] converting people to Emacs and org-mode

From: Thorsten Jolitz
Subject: Re: [O] converting people to Emacs and org-mode
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2013 12:30:20 +0200
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Moritz Ulrich <address@hidden> writes:

> I'm interested in the article too. Maybe you can arrange something
> with the editors if even the creator of org-mode is interested in the
> article?

I already sent the pdf version of the magazine in a PM to the creator of
Org-mode so he can decide if its worth the pain convert it from plain
text to Org-mode and put it on Worg. 

Its not really special and closely oriented at the structure of the new
orgmode website. Its more the big audience I could reach that made the
whole thing interesting. 

I already asked the editors - legally it would be possible to republish
on Worg. I'll ask them again if its allowed to cut the fully formated
article from the magazine-pdf and upload this 4 page pdf on Worg. 


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