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Re: [O] [ox-html] bug in documentation of org-html-table-row-tags

From: Bastien
Subject: Re: [O] [ox-html] bug in documentation of org-html-table-row-tags
Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2013 23:23:38 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/24.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Hi Stefan,

Stefan Vollmar <address@hidden> writes:

> according to the documentation of org-html-table-row-tags in
> ox-html.el the following code can be used to assign different CSS
> classes to alternating rows:

Obviously, this option has been simply copied from org-html.el 
and the docstring was obsolete, because `head' is not dynamically
bound anymore.

> However, I would suggest to implement this differently: have an
> option "org-html-alternating-table-row-classes" (or similar) that -
> if not nil - is used for alternating class names. Or - in keeping
> with hardwired class names like "org-ul" - always use "org-row-odd"
> and "org-row-even" if "org-html-alternating-table-row-classes" is
> not nil. Users who would prefer different class names could then
> still come up with their own definition of org-html-table-row-tags
> if needed.

I pushed a fix which preserves the spirit of the previous option,
but with more variables to check against.  I know this is not the
most user-friendly we can do here, but at least it is consistent
with what the code allows.

Thanks for reporting this!


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