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Re: [O] Org as a static site generator

From: Christopher Allan Webber
Subject: Re: [O] Org as a static site generator
Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2013 11:02:56 -0500
User-agent: mu4e; emacs

Ian Barton writes:

> On 01/04/13 13:08, Vincent Beffara wrote:
>> Yes, I mean, I know which html you need for that, simply within o-blog you 
>> need to manage between relative paths, absolute paths, canonical paths and 
>> so on in the template, to match the right section,  - mainly it should be a 
>> matter of let-ing the right variable to the right value at the right point 
>> in the template and catching it when generating the toc, but I never took 
>> the time to get it right ...
>>> I've also just found this, which uses Org only as a markup tool and
>>> Jekyll to generate the site:
>>> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-jekyll.html
>> I had a look at the too, but it felt just a little bit too convoluted 
>> compared to managing everything from Org. Besides, it seems to lose 
>> fontification of code snippets and the like?
>> /v
> As the original author of that page, I agree that using Jekyll is 
> convoluted, but it gives you much more control. However I now use 
> Pelican: https://pelican.readthedocs.org/en/3.1.1/
> There are a few reasons for this. Pelican is written in Python, which I 
> find easier to hack on. It is more flexible than Jekyll, which I found 
> hard to get to work the way I wanted with categories and tags.
> I wrote a yaml importer for Pelican so I could use my old jekyll posts. 
> However, Pelican understands Markdown, which I think the new exporter 
> supports.
> So my work flow now is Emacs-> export as html -> run Jekyll
> Ian.

Heya Ian,

I've been planning to switch my blog over to pelican.  It's cool to hear
you say this.

Is there any special elisp you use for the export, including converting
things like the title, etc?

 - Chris

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