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Re: [O] [PATCH] Process hlines in imported tables

From: Sebastien Vauban
Subject: Re: [O] [PATCH] Process hlines in imported tables
Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2013 23:05:11 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/24.3 (windows-nt)

Hi Rick,

Rick Frankel wrote:
>> IIUC, wouldn't that be changing the default answer to "how to interpret the
>> results" just for Perl?  While the default answer for all languages seems to
>> be "table"?
> It's not. only shell (which doesn't have _value_ results),

Is this statement really true, btw?  Wouldn't the value result of a sh code
block be the return code?

> and sql, force the results to be interpreted as a table.

Because table is the default option...

> elisp, ruby and python seem to treat raw results as scalars.

For ELisp, Eric told that it was an exception.

For Ruby and Python, I dunno, as I don't know the languages and have no
environment ready to test them (under Windows).

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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