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Re: [O] Org-mode as a metalanguage: calling SQL "functions"

From: Carsten Dominik
Subject: Re: [O] Org-mode as a metalanguage: calling SQL "functions"
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2013 07:54:04 +0200

On 2.4.2013, at 23:54, Eric Schulte <address@hidden> wrote:

> Gary Oberbrunner <address@hidden> writes:
>> Aha -- you have to use the :var syntax on the begin_src line, not the
>> params-in-parens syntax on the name line.  Your version works:
>> #+name: example-block
>> #+begin_src sh :var input=""
>>  echo "input is $input"
>> #+end_src
>> but this doesn't:
>> #+name: example-block(input="")
>> #+begin_src sh
>>  echo "input is $input"
>> #+end_src
>> The doc seems to say it should work the same, in
>> http://orgmode.org/manual/var.html (see "Alternate Argument Syntax").
> At this point I'm not sure if the documentation or the code should be
> amended.  I've personally never liked the args-in-block-name syntax, but
> I don't recall if we formally decided to abandon it, or if it has simply
> been broken in a recent commit.

I am not sure if I have any say here, but I agree that the args in name 
notation looks not as good and might be considered for abolishment.

- Carsten

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