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Re: [O] Store org-files in a git repository?

From: Marcelo de Moraes Serpa
Subject: Re: [O] Store org-files in a git repository?
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2012 21:18:38 -0500

It'd be nice to see how Google Docs does its versioning and try to model something like that for org. I think it's a version per data saved. I currently use a cron, but I see some value in versioning after each save.

On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 5:23 PM, Moritz Ulrich <address@hidden> wrote:

Achim Gratz writes:

> Moritz Ulrich writes:
>> I plan to put my org directory (where I keep among other my agenda
>> files) under version control and would like to have some sort of
>> specialized function for that.
>> My dream setup would be a range of functions hooking into all sorts of
>> org-mode hooks, automatically committing changes done via the agenda or
>> other org functions together with a context dependent commit message.
> »The road to hell is paved with good intentions.« — proverb
> What you're proposing (if I understand it correctly) would introduce
> transactions to Org and with it the non-trivial problem of determining
> when a transaction is finished (and started, but that's really another
> one).  Git would merely be the mechanism to record the transactions and
> probably not a good one at that even with the merge driver.
> THat aside, even if it worked I'm sure it would annoy me so much I'd
> switch it off entirely.
> Regards,
> Achim.

I rarely thought about the problem of transactional operations in
org-mode. From the standpoint you mentioned, my dream doesn't look that
nice anymore.

A simple cron job for committing doesn't sound that bad anymore ;-)

Thanks for saving me much work.

Moritz Ulrich

Moritz Ulrich

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