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[Orgmode] Re: org-blog.el v1.17 and org-publish-org-to-html

From: Rick Moynihan
Subject: [Orgmode] Re: org-blog.el v1.17 and org-publish-org-to-html
Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 16:34:18 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070326)


I was using the version with org-mode (4.75) which seems to be the same as the one on your site. Anyway, It seems like I was mistaken and org-publish-org-to-html is defined, it's just that the function wasn't interactive and I was expecting it to be. I've not had chance to look much further into org-blog than this, but I have managed to get it to output some HTML.

On another note, I've not really used org-publish before, and have just seen that it supports multiple projects. Is it possible to configure a project that is a 'single.org' file, which is in a folder of org files. What I'd like is to be able to publish only single.org, and none of the others. Is it possible to include *ONLY* this file?

Thanks again,


David O'Toole wrote:
Hi. Maybe you are using the version of org-publish.el that comes with
org. The newer version it at

Can you try that and let me know if it helps?

Rick Moynihan <address@hidden> writes:

Hi, I just took a look at org-blog.el, and I couldn't get it to
publish to html because I don't have an org-publish-org-to-html
defined.  I'm using org-4.75.

Great idea btw...


David O'Toole wrote:
Available from http://dto.freeshell.org/e/org-blog.el

This is the first usable release of org-blog. Instructions for setup
and use are in the file's commentary. It requires org-mode at least
4.75 (very recent, see quoted posts below.)

You can see an example of the output at http://dto.freeshell.org/blog/
and the generated XML at http://dto.freeshell.org/blog/blog.xml

  - write blog posts in org-mode syntax
  - juggle multiple posts while writing, publish in any order when finished
  - RSS 2.0 file. Now you can be on planet.emacsen.org!
  - "blogroll" (not well-tested)

Carsten Dominik <address@hidden> writes:

On May 19, 2007, at 3:17, David O'Toole wrote:

I am working on my blog extension for org-publish. I would like to
convert a region of text (say, between two markers) from org-mode
markup into html and then paste the resulting html into another buffer
where I am building a full page. I need to do this from a lisp
program. It says that org-export-as-html will export an active region
but I tried it and it doesn't work in a temp-buffer where
(buffer-file-name) is nil. Anyway, would it be hard to expose a
function like the following?

(defun org-export-region-to-html (beg end)
  "Convert region between BEG and END into HTML, placing the result
  into a new buffer. The new buffer is returned."
Thanks for this idea, will be useful for many things.

- Carsten

4.75 will contain the following function:

(defun org-export-region-as-html (beg end &optional body-only buffer)
  "Convert region fron BEG to END in org-mode buffer to HTML.
If prefix arg BODY-ONLY is set, omit file header, footer, and table of
contents, and only produce the region of converted text, useful for
cut-and-paste operations.
If BUFFER is a buffer or a string, use/create that buffer as a target
of the converted HTML.  If BUFFER is the symbol `string', return the
produced HTML as a string and leave no buffer behind.  For example,
a Lisp program could call this function in the following way:

  (setq html (org-export-region-as-html beg end t 'string))

When called interactively, the output buffer is selected, and shown
in a window.  A non-interactive call will only retunr the buffer."

Rick Moynihan
Software Engineer
Calico Jack LTD

Rick Moynihan
Software Engineer
Calico Jack LTD

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