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[nongnu] elpa/parseclj 6ae14f26ce 070/185: Work on tests and EDN printer

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/parseclj 6ae14f26ce 070/185: Work on tests and EDN printer + other things
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2021 14:05:18 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/parseclj
commit 6ae14f26ce2388aba9ef1d339dbe558984d3376d
Author: Arne Brasseur <arne@arnebrasseur.net>
Commit: Arne Brasseur <arne@arnebrasseur.net>

    Work on tests and EDN printer + other things
    Sorry for not splitting this up properly, I might revisit this commit to 
pull apart a bit later.
    - introduce Cask + ert-runner as test runner (WIP)
    - add test_helper.el to set up the right load path (borrowed and adapted 
from clojure-mode)
    - ast parse: handle tagged literals
    - rewrite clj-ast-unparse to work on buffer
    - start work on EDN printer (mostly there?)
    - add string variants: clj-ast-parse-str, clj-ast-unparse-str, 
    - rework tests based on data
    - add roundtrip tests for the EDN printer
    - rename edn-el-test-suite.el to edn-el-parity-test.el
    - drop dependency on edn.el in the test suite
 .gitignore                                         |   1 +
 Cask                                               |  14 +
 clj-ast.el                                         |  57 ++--
 clj-edn.el                                         |  57 ++++
 test/clj-ast-test.el                               |  49 ++++
 .../clj-edn-el-parity-test.el                      |  43 +--
 test/clj-edn-test.el                               |  73 +++++
 {tests => test}/clj-lex-test.el                    |   8 +-
 test/clj-parse-test-data.el                        | 293 +++++++++++++++++++++
 test/clj-parse-test.el                             |  63 +++++
 test/clj-unparse-test.el                           | 163 ++++++++++++
 test/test-helper.el                                |  38 +++
 tests/clj-parse-test.el                            | 276 -------------------
 tests/clj-unparse-test.el                          | 162 ------------
 14 files changed, 822 insertions(+), 475 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4691b73a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/Cask b/Cask
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..528cd303fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Cask
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+(source gnu)
+(source melpa)
+(source lambdaisland "https://lambdaisland.github.io/elpa/";)
+(package-file "clj-parse.el")
+(files "clj-lex.el"
+       "clj-edn.el"
+       "clj-ast.el")
+ (depends-on "a")
+;; (depends-on "edn") ;; the edn.el parity tests require some edn.el functions
+ (depends-on "ert-runner"))
diff --git a/clj-ast.el b/clj-ast.el
index 301aacedaa..8f97a7f400 100644
--- a/clj-ast.el
+++ b/clj-ast.el
@@ -44,42 +44,65 @@
 (defun clj-ast--reduce-node (stack opener-token children)
   (let* ((pos (a-get opener-token 'pos))
-         (type (cl-case (clj-lex-token-type opener-token)
-                 (:root :root)
+         (type (clj-lex-token-type opener-token))
+         (type (cl-case type
                  (:lparen :list)
                  (:lbracket :vector)
-                 (:set :set)
                  (:lbrace :map)
-                 (:discard :discard))))
+                 (t type))))
     (cl-case type
-      (:root (clj-parse--make-node :root 0 ':children children))
+      (:root (clj-parse--make-node :root 0 :children children))
       (:discard stack)
+      (:tag (clj-parse--make-node :tag
+                                  pos
+                                  :tag (intern (substring (a-get opener-token 
'form) 1))
+                                  :children children))
       (t (cons
-          (clj-parse--make-node type pos
-                                ':children children)
+          (clj-parse--make-node type pos :children children)
 (defun clj-ast-parse ()
+  "Parse Clojure code in buffer to AST.
+Parses code in the current buffer, starting from the current
+position of (point)."
   (clj-parse-reduce #'clj-ast--reduce-leaf #'clj-ast--reduce-node))
+(defun clj-ast-parse-str (s)
+  "Parse Clojure code in string S to AST."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (insert s)
+    (goto-char 1)
+    (clj-ast-parse)))
 ;; Unparser
-(defun clj-parse--string-with-delimiters (nodes ld rd)
-  (concat ld (mapconcat #'clj-ast-unparse nodes " ") rd))
+(defun clj-ast-unparse-collection (nodes ld rd)
+  (insert ld)
+  (when-let (node (car nodes))
+    (clj-ast-unparse node))
+  (seq-doseq (node (cdr nodes))
+    (insert " ")
+    (clj-ast-unparse node))
+  (insert rd))
 (defun clj-ast-unparse (node)
   (if (clj-parse--is-leaf? node)
-      (alist-get ':form node)
+      (insert (alist-get ':form node))
     (let ((subnodes (alist-get ':children node)))
       (cl-case (a-get node ':node-type)
-        (:root (clj-parse--string-with-delimiters subnodes "" ""))
-        (:list (clj-parse--string-with-delimiters subnodes "(" ")"))
-        (:vector (clj-parse--string-with-delimiters subnodes "[" "]"))
-        (:set (clj-parse--string-with-delimiters subnodes "#{" "}"))
-        (:map (clj-parse--string-with-delimiters subnodes "{" "}"))
-        (:tag )
-        ))))
+        (:root (clj-ast-unparse-collection subnodes "" ""))
+        (:list (clj-ast-unparse-collection subnodes "(" ")"))
+        (:vector (clj-ast-unparse-collection subnodes "[" "]"))
+        (:set (clj-ast-unparse-collection subnodes "#{" "}"))
+        (:map (clj-ast-unparse-collection subnodes "{" "}"))
+        (:tag )))))
+(defun clj-ast-unparse-str (data)
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (clj-ast-unparse data)
+    (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
 (provide 'clj-ast)
diff --git a/clj-edn.el b/clj-edn.el
index 24e858eccc..0a147d31e7 100644
--- a/clj-edn.el
+++ b/clj-edn.el
@@ -83,6 +83,63 @@ handlers as an optional argument to the reader functions.")
 ;; Printer
+(defun clj-edn-print-seq (coll)
+  (clj-edn-print (elt coll 0))
+  (let ((next (seq-drop coll 1)))
+    (when (not (seq-empty-p next))
+      (insert " ")
+      (clj-edn-print-seq next))))
+(defun clj-edn-print-kvs (map)
+  (let ((keys (a-keys map)))
+    (clj-edn-print (car keys))
+    (insert " ")
+    (clj-edn-print (a-get map (car keys)))
+    (let ((next (cdr keys)))
+      (when (not (seq-empty-p next))
+        (insert ", ")
+        (clj-edn-print-kvs next)))))
+(defun clj-edn-print (datum)
+  (cond
+   ((or (null datum) (numberp datum))
+    (prin1 datum (current-buffer)))
+   ((stringp datum)
+    (insert "\"")
+    (seq-doseq (char datum)
+      (insert (cl-case char
+                (?\t "\\t")
+                (?\f "\\f")
+                (?\" "\\\"")
+                (?\r "\\r")
+                (?\n"foo\t" "\\n")
+                (?\\ "\\\\")
+                (t (char-to-string char)))))
+    (insert "\""))
+   ((symbolp datum)
+    (insert (symbol-name datum)))
+   ((eq t datum)
+    (insert "true"))
+   ((vectorp datum) (insert "[") (clj-edn-print-seq datum) (insert "]"))
+   ((consp datum)
+    (cond
+     ((eq 'edn-set (car datum))
+      (insert "#{") (clj-edn-print-seq (cadr datum)) (insert "}"))
+     (t (insert "(") (clj-edn-print-seq datum) (insert ")"))))
+   ((hash-table-p datum)
+    (insert "{") (clj-edn-print-kvs datum) (insert "}"))))
+(defun clj-edn-print-str (datum)
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (clj-edn-print datum)
+    (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
 (provide 'clj-edn)
 ;;; clj-edn.el ends here
diff --git a/test/clj-ast-test.el b/test/clj-ast-test.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da12f26cd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/clj-ast-test.el
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+;;; clj-ast-test.el --- Unit tests for AST parsing/unparsing
+;; Copyright (C) 2017  Arne Brasseur
+;; Author: Arne Brasseur <arne@arnebrasseur.net>
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary
+;; Unit tests for AST parsing/unparsing
+;;; Code
+(defmacro define-clj-ast-parse-tests ()
+  `(progn
+     ,@(mapcar
+        (lambda (pair)
+          (let ((name (car pair))
+                (data (cdr pair)))
+            (if (and (a-get data :source) (a-get data :ast))
+                (let ((test-name (intern (concat "clj-ast-parse:" name))))
+                  `(ert-deftest ,test-name ()
+                     :tags '(clj-ast)
+                     (with-temp-buffer
+                       (insert ,(a-get data :source))
+                       (goto-char 1)
+                       (should (a-equal (clj-ast-parse) ',(a-get data 
+        clj-parse-test-data)))
+;;; clj-ast-test.el ends here
diff --git a/tests/edn-el-test-suite.el b/test/clj-edn-el-parity-test.el
similarity index 90%
rename from tests/edn-el-test-suite.el
rename to test/clj-edn-el-parity-test.el
index 8aacb168b4..a7f9446d97 100644
--- a/tests/edn-el-test-suite.el
+++ b/test/clj-edn-el-parity-test.el
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;; edn-el-test-suite.el --- Tests from edn.el
+;;; edn-el-parity.el --- Tests from edn.el
 ;; Author: Lars Andersen <expez@expez.com>, Arne Brasseur 
@@ -21,10 +21,17 @@
 ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; These tests are copied verbatim from the edn.el source, and adapted to use
+;; our API. This way we assure that clj-parse can act as a drop-in replacement
+;; for edn.el.
 ;;; Code:
+(require 'clj-parse)
 (require 'ert)
-(require 'edn)
+(eval-when-compile (require 'subr-x)) ;; for things like hash-table-keys
 (ert-deftest whitespace ()
   (should (null (clj-edn-read-str "")))
@@ -34,10 +41,8 @@
   (should (null (clj-edn-read-str "            ")))
   (should (null (clj-edn-read-str ",")))
   (should (null (clj-edn-read-str ",,,,")))
-  (should (null (clj-edn-read-str "      , ,
-  (should (null (clj-edn-read-str"
-  ,,   ")))
+  (should (null (clj-edn-read-str "      , ,\n")))
+  (should (null (clj-edn-read-str "\n ,,       ")))
   (should (equal [a b c d] (clj-edn-read-str "[a ,,,,,, b,,,,,c ,d]"))))
 (ert-deftest symbols ()
@@ -81,7 +86,7 @@
   (should (equal '[1 2 3 4] (clj-edn-read-str "[1 2 #_[4 5 6] 3 4]")))
   (should (map-equal (make-seeded-hash-table :foo :bar)
                      (clj-edn-read-str "{:foo #_elided :bar}")))
-  (should (equal (edn-list-to-set '(1 2 3 4))
+  (should (equal '(edn-set (1 2 3 4))
                  (clj-edn-read-str "#{1 2 #_[1 2 3] 3 #_ (1 2) 4}")))
   (should (equal [a d] (clj-edn-read-str "[a #_ ;we are discarding what comes 
  c d]"))))
@@ -174,10 +179,10 @@
 (ert-deftest sets ()
   :tags '(edn sets)
-  (should (edn-set-p (clj-edn-read-str "#{}")))
-  (should (edn-set-p (clj-edn-read-str "#{ }")))
-  (should (equal (edn-list-to-set '(1 2 3)) (clj-edn-read-str "#{1 2 3}")))
-  (should (equal (edn-list-to-set '(1 [1 2 3] 3)) (clj-edn-read-str "#{1 [1 2 
3] 3}"))))
+  (should (eq 'edn-set (car (clj-edn-read-str "#{}"))))
+  (should (eq 'edn-set (car (clj-edn-read-str "#{ }"))))
+  (should (equal '(edn-set (1 2 3)) (clj-edn-read-str "#{1 2 3}")))
+  (should (equal '(edn-set (1 [1 2 3] 3)) (clj-edn-read-str "#{1 [1 2 3] 
 (ert-deftest comment ()
   :tags '(edn comments)
@@ -212,11 +217,11 @@
 (ert-deftest roundtrip ()
   :tags '(edn roundtrip)
   (let ((data [1 2 3 :foo (4 5) qux "quux"]))
-    (should (equal data (clj-edn-read-str (edn-print-string data))))
+    (should (equal data (clj-edn-read-str (clj-edn-print-str data))))
     (should (map-equal (make-seeded-hash-table :foo :bar)
-                       (clj-edn-read-str (edn-print-string 
(make-seeded-hash-table :foo :bar)))))
-    (should (equal (edn-list-to-set '(1 2 3 [3 1.11]))
-                   (clj-edn-read-str (edn-print-string (edn-list-to-set '(1 2 
3 [3 1.11]))))))
+                       (clj-edn-read-str (clj-edn-print-str 
(make-seeded-hash-table :foo :bar)))))
+    (should (equal '(edn-set (1 2 3 [3 1.11]))
+                   (clj-edn-read-str (clj-edn-print-str '(edn-set (1 2 3 [3 
     (should-error (clj-edn-read-str "#myapp/Person {:first \"Fred\" :last 
 (ert-deftest inst ()
@@ -224,14 +229,14 @@
   (let* ((inst-str "#inst \"1985-04-12T23:20:50.52Z\"")
          (inst (clj-edn-read-str inst-str))
          (time (date-to-time "1985-04-12T23:20:50.52Z")))
-    (should (edn-inst-p inst))
-    (should (equal time (edn-inst-to-time inst)))))
+    (should (eq 'edn-inst (car inst)))
+    (should (equal time (cdr inst)))))
 (ert-deftest uuid ()
   :tags '(edn uuid)
   (let* ((str "f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6")
          (uuid (clj-edn-read-str (concat "#uuid \"" str "\""))))
-    (should (edn-uuid-p uuid))))
+    (should (eq 'edn-uuid (car uuid)))))
 ;; (ert-deftest invalid-edn ()
 ;;   (should-error (clj-edn-read-str "///"))
@@ -278,4 +283,4 @@
 ;;   (should-error (clj-edn-read-str "[}"))
 ;;   (should-error (clj-edn-read-str "@cat")))
-;;; edn-el-test-suite.el ends here
+;;; edn-el-parity-test.el ends here
diff --git a/test/clj-edn-test.el b/test/clj-edn-test.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76e8ac54b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/clj-edn-test.el
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+;;; clj-edn-test.el --- Unit tests for EDN reading/printing
+;; Copyright (C) 2017  Arne Brasseur
+;; Author: Arne Brasseur <arne@arnebrasseur.net>
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary
+;; Unit tests for EDN reading/printing
+;;; Code
+(require 'ert)
+(require 'clj-parse)
+(load "test/clj-parse-test-data.el")
+(ert-deftest clj-edn-print-test ()
+  (should (equal (clj-edn-print-str nil) "nil"))
+  (should (equal (clj-edn-print-str 100) "100"))
+  (should (equal (clj-edn-print-str 1.2) "1.2"))
+  (should (equal (clj-edn-print-str [1 2 3]) "[1 2 3]")))
+(defmacro define-clj-edn-read-tests ()
+  `(progn
+     ,@(mapcar
+        (lambda (pair)
+          (let ((name (car pair))
+                (data (cdr pair)))
+            (if (and (a-get data :edn) (a-get data :source))
+                (let ((test-name (intern (concat "clj-edn-read:" name))))
+                  `(ert-deftest ,test-name ()
+                     :tags '(clj-edn)
+                     (with-temp-buffer
+                       (insert ,(a-get data :source))
+                       (goto-char 1)
+                       (should (a-equal (clj-edn-read) ',(a-get data 
+        clj-parse-test-data)))
+(defmacro define-clj-edn-roundtrip-tests ()
+  `(progn
+     ,@(mapcar
+        (lambda (pair)
+          (let ((name (car pair))
+                (data (cdr pair)))
+            (if (and (a-get data :edn) (a-get data :source) (member 
:edn-roundtrip (a-get data :tags)))
+                (let ((test-name (intern (concat "clj-edn-rountrip:" name))))
+                  `(ert-deftest ,test-name ()
+                     :tags '(clj-edn-rountrip)
+                     (should (equal (clj-edn-print-str (car ',(a-get data 
:edn))) ,(a-get data :source))))))))
+        clj-parse-test-data)))
+;;; clj-edn-test.el
diff --git a/tests/clj-lex-test.el b/test/clj-lex-test.el
similarity index 99%
rename from tests/clj-lex-test.el
rename to test/clj-lex-test.el
index b50de580f2..72bb734d63 100644
--- a/tests/clj-lex-test.el
+++ b/test/clj-lex-test.el
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;; clj-lex-test.el --- Clojure/EDN parser
+;;; clj-lex-test.el --- Unit tests for the lexer
 ;; Copyright (C) 2017  Arne Brasseur
@@ -21,6 +21,12 @@
 ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary
+;; Unit tests for the lexer
+;;; Code
 (require 'clj-lex)
 (require 'ert)
diff --git a/test/clj-parse-test-data.el b/test/clj-parse-test-data.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7dff657f5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/clj-parse-test-data.el
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+;;; clj-parse-test-data.el --- Clojure/EDN parser - test data
+;; Copyright (C) 2017  Arne Brasseur
+;; Author: Arne Brasseur <arne@arnebrasseur.net>
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Test data for reader / parser / printer / unparser
+;;; Code:
+(setq clj-parse-test-data
+  (a-list
+   "simple-list"
+   (a-list
+    :tags '(:edn-roundtrip)
+    :source "(1 2 3)"
+    :edn '((1 2 3))
+    :ast '((:node-type . :root)
+           (:position . 0)
+           (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                          (:position . 1)
+                          (:children . (((:node-type . :number)
+                                         (:position . 2)
+                                         (:form . "1")
+                                         (:value . 1))
+                                        ((:node-type . :number)
+                                         (:position . 4)
+                                         (:form . "2")
+                                         (:value . 2))
+                                        ((:node-type . :number)
+                                         (:position . 6)
+                                         (:form . "3")
+                                         (:value . 3)))))))))
+   "empty-list"
+   (a-list
+    :source "()"
+    :edn '(())
+    :ast '((:node-type . :root)
+           (:position . 0)
+           (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                          (:position . 1)
+                          (:children . nil))))))
+   "size-1"
+   (a-list
+    :tags '(:edn-roundtrip)
+    :source "(1)"
+    :edn '((1))
+    :ast '((:node-type . :root)
+           (:position . 0)
+           (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                          (:position . 1)
+                          (:children . (((:node-type . :number)
+                                         (:position . 2)
+                                         (:form . "1")
+                                         (:value . 1)))))))))
+   "leafs"
+   (a-list
+    :source "(nil true false hello-world)"
+    :edn '((nil t nil hello-world))
+    :ast '((:node-type . :root)
+           (:position . 0)
+           (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                          (:position . 1)
+                          (:children . (((:node-type . :nil)
+                                         (:position . 2)
+                                         (:form . "nil")
+                                         (:value . nil))
+                                        ((:node-type . :true)
+                                         (:position . 6)
+                                         (:form . "true")
+                                         (:value . t))
+                                        ((:node-type . :false)
+                                         (:position . 11)
+                                         (:form . "false")
+                                         (:value . nil))
+                                        ((:node-type . :symbol)
+                                         (:position . 17)
+                                         (:form . "hello-world")
+                                         (:value . hello-world)))))))))
+   "qualified-symbol"
+   (a-list
+    :tags '(:edn-roundtrip)
+    :source "clojure.string/join"
+    :edn '(clojure.string/join)
+    :ast '((:node-type . :root)
+           (:position . 0)
+           (:children . (((:node-type . :symbol)
+                          (:position . 1)
+                          (:form . "clojure.string/join")
+                          (:value . clojure.string/join))))))
+   "nested-lists"
+   (a-list
+    :source "((.9 abc (true) (hello)))"
+    :edn '(((0.9 abc (t) (hello))))
+    :ast '((:node-type . :root)
+           (:position . 0)
+           (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                          (:position . 1)
+                          (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                                         (:position . 2)
+                                         (:children ((:node-type . :number)
+                                                     (:position . 3)
+                                                     (:form . ".9")
+                                                     (:value . 0.9))
+                                                    ((:node-type . :symbol)
+                                                     (:position . 6)
+                                                     (:form . "abc")
+                                                     (:value . abc))
+                                                    ((:node-type . :list)
+                                                     (:position . 10)
+                                                     (:children ((:node-type . 
+                                                                 (:position . 
+                                                                 (:form . 
+                                                                 (:value . 
+                                                    ((:node-type . :list)
+                                                     (:position . 17)
+                                                     (:children ((:node-type . 
+                                                                 (:position . 
+                                                                 (:form . 
+                                                                 (:value . 
+   "strings-1"
+   (a-list
+    :tags '(:edn-roundtrip)
+    :source "\"abc hello \\t\\\"x\""
+    :edn '("abc hello \t\"x")
+    :ast '((:node-type . :root)
+           (:position . 0)
+           (:children . (((:node-type . :string)
+                          (:position . 1)
+                          (:form . "\"abc hello \\t\\\"x\"")
+                          (:value . "abc hello \t\"x"))))))
+   "strings-2"
+   (a-list
+    :source "(\"---\\f---\\\"-'\\'-\\\\-\\r\\n\")"
+    :edn '(("---\f---\"-''-\\-\r\n"))
+    :ast '((:node-type . :root)
+           (:position . 0)
+           (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                          (:position . 1)
+                          (:children . (((:node-type . :string)
+                                         (:position . 2)
+                                         (:form . 
+                                         (:value . 
+   "chars-1"
+   (a-list
+    :source "(\\newline \\return \\space \\tab \\a \\b \\c \\u0078 \\o171)"
+    :edn '((?\n ?\r ?\ ?\t ?a ?b ?c ?x ?y))
+    :ast '((:node-type . :root)
+           (:position . 0)
+           (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                          (:position . 1)
+                          (:children . (((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 2) (:form . "\\newline") (:value . ?\n))
+                                        ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 11) (:form . "\\return") (:value . ?\r))
+                                        ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 19) (:form . "\\space") (:value . 32))
+                                        ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 26) (:form . "\\tab") (:value . ?\t))
+                                        ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 31) (:form . "\\a") (:value . ?a))
+                                        ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 34) (:form . "\\b") (:value . ?b))
+                                        ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 37) (:form . "\\c") (:value . ?c))
+                                        ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 40) (:form . "\\u0078") (:value . ?x))
+                                        ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 47) (:form . "\\o171") (:value . ?y)))))))))
+   "chars-2"
+   (a-list
+    :source "\"\\u0078 \\o171\""
+    :edn '("x y")
+    :ast '((:node-type . :root)
+           (:position . 0)
+           (:children . (((:node-type . :string)
+                          (:position . 1)
+                          (:form . "\"\\u0078 \\o171\"")
+                          (:value . "x y"))))))
+   "keywords"
+   (a-list
+    :tags '(:edn-roundtrip)
+    :source ":foo-bar"
+    :edn '(:foo-bar)
+    :ast '((:node-type . :root)
+           (:position . 0)
+           (:children . (((:node-type . :keyword)
+                          (:position . 1)
+                          (:form . ":foo-bar")
+                          (:value . :foo-bar))))))
+   "vector"
+   (a-list
+    :tags '(:edn-roundtrip)
+    :source "[123]"
+    :edn '([123])
+    :ast '((:node-type . :root)
+           (:position . 0)
+           (:children . (((:node-type . :vector)
+                          (:position . 1)
+                          (:children . (((:node-type . :number)
+                                         (:position . 2)
+                                         (:form . "123")
+                                         (:value . 123)))))))))
+   "map"
+   (a-list
+    :tags '(:edn-roundtrip)
+    :source "{:count 123}"
+    :edn (list (a-hash-table :count 123))
+    :ast '((:node-type . :root)
+           (:position . 0)
+           (:children . (((:node-type . :map)
+                          (:position . 1)
+                          (:children . (((:node-type . :keyword)
+                                         (:position . 2)
+                                         (:form . ":count")
+                                         (:value . :count))
+                                        ((:node-type . :number)
+                                         (:position . 9)
+                                         (:form . "123")
+                                         (:value . 123)))))))))
+   "set"
+   (a-list
+    :tags '(:edn-roundtrip)
+    :source "#{:x}"
+    :edn '((edn-set (:x)))
+    :ast '((:node-type . :root)
+           (:position . 0)
+           (:children . (((:node-type . :set)
+                          (:position . 1)
+                          (:children . (((:node-type . :keyword)
+                                         (:position . 3)
+                                         (:form . ":x")
+                                         (:value . :x)))))))))
+   "discard"
+   (a-list
+    :source "(10 #_11 12 #_#_ 13 14)"
+    :edn '((10 12))
+    :ast '((:node-type . :root)
+           (:position . 0)
+           (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                          (:position . 1)
+                          (:children . (((:node-type . :number)
+                                         (:position . 2)
+                                         (:form . "10")
+                                         (:value . 10))
+                                        ((:node-type . :number)
+                                         (:position . 10)
+                                         (:form . "12")
+                                         (:value . 12)))))))))
+   "tag"
+   (a-list
+    :source "#foo/bar [1]"
+    :ast '((:node-type . :root)
+           (:position . 0)
+           (:children . ((:node-type . :tag)
+                         (:position . 1)
+                         (:tag . foo/bar)
+                         (:children . (((:node-type . :vector)
+                                        (:position . 10)
+                                        (:children . (((:node-type . :number)
+                                                       (:position . 11)
+                                                       (:form . "1")
+                                                       (:value . 1)))))))))))))
+;;; clj-parse-test-data.el ends here
diff --git a/test/clj-parse-test.el b/test/clj-parse-test.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea3bd9b4ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/clj-parse-test.el
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+;;; clj-parse-test.el --- Clojure/EDN parser - tests
+;; Copyright (C) 2017  Arne Brasseur
+;; Author: Arne Brasseur <arne@arnebrasseur.net>
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; A reader for EDN data files and parser for Clojure source files - tests
+;;; Code:
+(require 'ert)
+(require 'clj-parse)
+(defun clj-parse--deftest-mode (mode test-name test-string expected)
+  (let* ((parse-fn (if (equal mode "edn")
+                       #'clj-edn-read
+                     #'clj-ast-parse))
+         (test-name (intern (concat (symbol-name parse-fn) "-" (symbol-name 
+    `(ert-deftest ,test-name ()
+       (with-temp-buffer
+         (insert ,test-string)
+         (goto-char 1)
+         (should (a-equal (,parse-fn) (backquote ,expected)))))))
+(defmacro clj-parse-deftest (test-name test-string mode-vs-expected-alist)
+  (declare (indent defun))
+  `(progn
+     ,@(let ((edn (a-get mode-vs-expected-alist "edn")))
+         (when (eq (length edn) 1)
+           `((ert-deftest ,(intern (concat "edn-print-" (symbol-name 
test-name))) ()
+               (should (equal (clj-edn-print-str (backquote ,(car edn))) 
+     ,@(mapcar (lambda (vs) (clj-parse--deftest-mode (car vs)
+                                                     test-name
+                                                     test-string
+                                                     (cdr vs)))
+               mode-vs-expected-alist)))
+;;; Parser modes
+;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(provide 'clj-parse-test)
+;;; clj-parse-test.el ends here
diff --git a/test/clj-unparse-test.el b/test/clj-unparse-test.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..47b0cf1225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/clj-unparse-test.el
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+;;; clj-unparse-test.el --- Print Clojure AST back to code - tests
+;; Copyright (C) 2017  Arne Brasseur
+;; Author: Arne Brasseur <arne@arnebrasseur.net>
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Print Clojure AST back to code - tests
+;;; Code:
+;;; Printer modes
+;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(ert-deftest clj-ast-unparse-list ()
+  (should (equal "(0 1 2)"
+                 (clj-ast-unparse-str '((:node-type . :root)
+                                        (:position . 0)
+                                        (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                                                       (:position . 1)
+                                                       (:children . 
(((:node-type . :number)
(:position . 2)
+                                                                      (:form . 
+                                                                      (:value 
. 0))
((:node-type . :number)
(:position . 4)
+                                                                      (:form . 
+                                                                      (:value 
. 1))
((:node-type . :number)
(:position . 6)
+                                                                      (:form . 
+                                                                      (:value 
. 2))))))))))))
+(ert-deftest clj-ast-unparse-empty-list ()
+  (should (equal "()"
+                 (clj-ast-unparse-str '((:node-type . :root)
+                                        (:position . 0)
+                                        (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                                                       (:position . 1)
+                                                       (:children . 
+(ert-deftest clj-ast-unparse-nested-list ()
+  (should (equal "((.9 abc (true) (hello)))"
+                 (clj-ast-unparse-str '((:node-type . :root)
+                                        (:position . 0)
+                                        (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                                                       (:position . 1)
+                                                       (:children . 
(((:node-type . :list)
(:position . 2)
(:children ((:node-type . :number)
   (:position . 3)
   (:form . ".9")
   (:value . 0.9))
  ((:node-type . :symbol)
   (:position . 6)
   (:form . "abc")
   (:value . abc))
  ((:node-type . :list)
   (:position . 10)
   (:children ((:node-type . :true)
               (:position . 11)
               (:form . "true")
               (:value . t))))
  ((:node-type . :list)
   (:position . 17)
   (:children ((:node-type . :symbol)
               (:position . 18)
               (:form . "hello")
               (:value . hello))))))))))))))))
+(ert-deftest clj-ast-unparse-string ()
+  (should (equal "\"abc hello \\t\\\"x\""
+                 (clj-ast-unparse-str '((:node-type . :root)
+                                        (:position . 0)
+                                        (:children . (((:node-type . :string)
+                                                       (:position . 1)
+                                                       (:form . "\"abc hello 
+                                                       (:value . "abc hello 
+(ert-deftest clj-ast-unparse-chars ()
+  (should (equal "(\\newline \\return \\space \\tab \\a \\b \\c \\u0078 
+                 (clj-ast-unparse-str '((:node-type . :root)
+                                        (:position . 0)
+                                        (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                                                       (:position . 1)
+                                                       (:children . 
(((:node-type . :character) (:position . 2) (:form . "\\newline") (:value . 
((:node-type . :character) (:position . 11) (:form . "\\return") (:value . ?\r))
((:node-type . :character) (:position . 19) (:form . "\\space") (:value . 32))
((:node-type . :character) (:position . 26) (:form . "\\tab") (:value . ?\t))
((:node-type . :character) (:position . 31) (:form . "\\a") (:value . ?a))
((:node-type . :character) (:position . 34) (:form . "\\b") (:value . ?b))
((:node-type . :character) (:position . 37) (:form . "\\c") (:value . ?c))
((:node-type . :character) (:position . 40) (:form . "\\u0078") (:value . ?x))
((:node-type . :character) (:position . 47) (:form . "\\o171") (:value . 
+                 )))
+(ert-deftest clj-ast-unparse-keyword ()
+  (should (equal ":foo-bar"
+                 (clj-ast-unparse-str '((:node-type . :root)
+                                        (:position . 0)
+                                        (:children . (((:node-type . :keyword)
+                                                       (:position . 1)
+                                                       (:form . ":foo-bar")
+                                                       (:value . 
+(ert-deftest clj-ast-unparse-vector ()
+  (should (equal "[123]"
+                 (clj-ast-unparse-str '((:node-type . :root)
+                                        (:position . 0)
+                                        (:children . (((:node-type . :vector)
+                                                       (:position . 1)
+                                                       (:children . 
(((:node-type . :number)
(:position . 2)
+                                                                      (:form . 
+                                                                      (:value 
. 123))))))))))))
+(ert-deftest clj-ast-unparse-map ()
+  (should (equal "{:count 123}"
+                 (clj-ast-unparse-str '((:node-type . :root)
+                                        (:position . 0)
+                                        (:children . (((:node-type . :map)
+                                                       (:position . 1)
+                                                       (:children . 
(((:node-type . :keyword)
(:position . 2)
+                                                                      (:form . 
+                                                                      (:value 
. :count))
((:node-type . :number)
(:position . 9)
+                                                                      (:form . 
+                                                                      (:value 
. 123))))))))))))
+(ert-deftest clj-ast-unparse-set ()
+  (should (equal "#{:x}"
+                 (clj-ast-unparse-str '((:node-type . :root)
+                                        (:position . 0)
+                                        (:children . (((:node-type . :set)
+                                                       (:position . 1)
+                                                       (:children . 
(((:node-type . :keyword)
(:position . 3)
+                                                                      (:form . 
+                                                                      (:value 
. :x))))))))))))
+(provide 'clj-unparse-test)
+;;; clj-unparse-test.el ends here
diff --git a/test/test-helper.el b/test/test-helper.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ebc4a58ac2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-helper.el
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+;;; test-helper.el --- unit test helper functions -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2017  Arne Brasseur
+;; Author: Arne Brasseur <arne@arnebrasseur.net>
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Unit Test setup and helper functions
+;;; Code:
+(message "Running tests on Emacs %s" emacs-version)
+(let* ((current-file (if load-in-progress load-file-name (buffer-file-name)))
+       (source-directory (locate-dominating-file current-file "Cask"))
+       ;; Do not load outdated byte code for tests
+       (load-prefer-newer t))
+  (add-to-list 'load-path source-directory))
+;; test-helper.el ends here
diff --git a/tests/clj-parse-test.el b/tests/clj-parse-test.el
deleted file mode 100644
index bfae6fa22b..0000000000
--- a/tests/clj-parse-test.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-;;; clj-parse-test.el --- Clojure/EDN parser - tests
-;; Copyright (C) 2017  Arne Brasseur
-;; Author: Arne Brasseur <arne@arnebrasseur.net>
-;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
-;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; A reader for EDN data files and parser for Clojure source files - tests
-;;; Code:
-(require 'a)
-(require 'ert)
-(require 'clj-parse)
-(defun clj-parse--equal (a b)
-  (cond
-   ((and (hash-table-p a) (hash-table-p b))
-    (a-equal a b))
-   ((and (consp a) (consp b))
-    (and (clj-parse--equal (car a) (car b))
-         (clj-parse--equal (cdr a) (cdr b))))
-   (t (equal a b))))
-(defun clj-parse--deftest-mode (mode test-name test-string expected)
-  (let* ((parse-fn (if (equal mode "edn")
-                       #'clj-edn-read
-                     #'clj-ast-parse))
-         (test-name (intern (concat (symbol-name parse-fn) "-" (symbol-name 
-    `(ert-deftest ,test-name ()
-       (with-temp-buffer
-         (insert ,test-string)
-         (goto-char 1)
-         (should (clj-parse--equal (,parse-fn) ,expected))))))
-(defmacro clj-parse-deftest (test-name test-string mode-vs-expected-alist)
-  (declare (indent defun))
-  `(progn
-     ,@(mapcar (lambda (vs) (clj-parse--deftest-mode (car vs)
-                                                     test-name
-                                                     test-string
-                                                     (cadr vs)))
-               mode-vs-expected-alist)))
-;;; Parser modes
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-(clj-parse-deftest simple-list "(1 2 3)"
-  (("edn" '((1 2 3)))
-   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
-            (:position . 0)
-            (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
-                           (:position . 1)
-                           (:children . (((:node-type . :number)
-                                          (:position . 2)
-                                          (:form . "1")
-                                          (:value . 1))
-                                         ((:node-type . :number)
-                                          (:position . 4)
-                                          (:form . "2")
-                                          (:value . 2))
-                                         ((:node-type . :number)
-                                          (:position . 6)
-                                          (:form . "3")
-                                          (:value . 3)))))))))))
-(clj-parse-deftest empty-list "()"
-  (("edn" '(()))
-   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
-            (:position . 0)
-            (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
-                           (:position . 1)
-                           (:children . nil))))))))
-(clj-parse-deftest size-1 "(1)"
-  (("edn" '((1)))
-   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
-            (:position . 0)
-            (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
-                           (:position . 1)
-                           (:children . (((:node-type . :number)
-                                          (:position . 2)
-                                          (:form . "1")
-                                          (:value . 1)))))))))))
-(clj-parse-deftest leafs "(nil true false hello-world)"
-  (("edn" '((nil t nil hello-world)))
-   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
-            (:position . 0)
-            (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
-                           (:position . 1)
-                           (:children . (((:node-type . :nil)
-                                          (:position . 2)
-                                          (:form . "nil")
-                                          (:value . nil))
-                                         ((:node-type . :true)
-                                          (:position . 6)
-                                          (:form . "true")
-                                          (:value . t))
-                                         ((:node-type . :false)
-                                          (:position . 11)
-                                          (:form . "false")
-                                          (:value . nil))
-                                         ((:node-type . :symbol)
-                                          (:position . 17)
-                                          (:form . "hello-world")
-                                          (:value . hello-world)))))))))))
-(clj-parse-deftest qualified-symbol "clojure.string/join"
-  (("edn" '(clojure.string/join))
-   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
-            (:position . 0)
-            (:children . (((:node-type . :symbol)
-                           (:position . 1)
-                           (:form . "clojure.string/join")
-                           (:value . clojure.string/join))))))))
-(clj-parse-deftest nested-lists "((.9 abc (true) (hello)))"
-  (("edn" '(((0.9 abc (t) (hello)))))
-   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
-            (:position . 0)
-            (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
-                           (:position . 1)
-                           (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
-                                          (:position . 2)
-                                          (:children ((:node-type . :number)
-                                                      (:position . 3)
-                                                      (:form . ".9")
-                                                      (:value . 0.9))
-                                                     ((:node-type . :symbol)
-                                                      (:position . 6)
-                                                      (:form . "abc")
-                                                      (:value . abc))
-                                                     ((:node-type . :list)
-                                                      (:position . 10)
-                                                      (:children ((:node-type 
. :true)
-                                                                  (:position . 
-                                                                  (:form . 
-                                                                  (:value . 
-                                                     ((:node-type . :list)
-                                                      (:position . 17)
-                                                      (:children ((:node-type 
. :symbol)
-                                                                  (:position . 
-                                                                  (:form . 
-                                                                  (:value . 
-(clj-parse-deftest strings-1 "\"abc hello \\t\\\"x\""
-  (("edn" '("abc hello \t\"x"))
-   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
-            (:position . 0)
-            (:children . (((:node-type . :string)
-                           (:position . 1)
-                           (:form . "\"abc hello \\t\\\"x\"")
-                           (:value . "abc hello \t\"x"))))))))
-(clj-parse-deftest strings-2 "(\"---\\f---\\\"-'\\'-\\\\-\\r\\n\")"
-  (("edn" '(("---\f---\"-''-\\-\r\n")))
-   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
-            (:position . 0)
-            (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
-                           (:position . 1)
-                           (:children . (((:node-type . :string)
-                                          (:position . 2)
-                                          (:form . 
-                                          (:value . 
-(clj-parse-deftest chars-1 "(\\newline \\return \\space \\tab \\a \\b \\c 
\\u0078 \\o171)"
-  (("edn" '((?\n ?\r ?\ ?\t ?a ?b ?c ?x ?y)))
-   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
-            (:position . 0)
-            (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
-                           (:position . 1)
-                           (:children . (((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 2) (:form . "\\newline") (:value . ?\n))
-                                         ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 11) (:form . "\\return") (:value . ?\r))
-                                         ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 19) (:form . "\\space") (:value . 32))
-                                         ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 26) (:form . "\\tab") (:value . ?\t))
-                                         ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 31) (:form . "\\a") (:value . ?a))
-                                         ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 34) (:form . "\\b") (:value . ?b))
-                                         ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 37) (:form . "\\c") (:value . ?c))
-                                         ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 40) (:form . "\\u0078") (:value . ?x))
-                                         ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 47) (:form . "\\o171") (:value . ?y)))))))))))
-(clj-parse-deftest chars-2 "\"\\u0078 \\o171\""
-  (("edn" '("x y"))
-   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
-            (:position . 0)
-            (:children . (((:node-type . :string)
-                           (:position . 1)
-                           (:form . "\"\\u0078 \\o171\"")
-                           (:value . "x y"))))))))
-(clj-parse-deftest keywords ":foo-bar"
-  (("edn" '(:foo-bar))
-   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
-            (:position . 0)
-            (:children . (((:node-type . :keyword)
-                           (:position . 1)
-                           (:form . ":foo-bar")
-                           (:value . :foo-bar))))))))
-(clj-parse-deftest vector "[123]"
-  (("edn" '([123]))
-   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
-            (:position . 0)
-            (:children . (((:node-type . :vector)
-                           (:position . 1)
-                           (:children . (((:node-type . :number)
-                                          (:position . 2)
-                                          (:form . "123")
-                                          (:value . 123)))))))))))
-(clj-parse-deftest map "{:count 123}"
-  (("edn" (list (a-hash-table :count 123)))
-   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
-            (:position . 0)
-            (:children . (((:node-type . :map)
-                           (:position . 1)
-                           (:children . (((:node-type . :keyword)
-                                          (:position . 2)
-                                          (:form . ":count")
-                                          (:value . :count))
-                                         ((:node-type . :number)
-                                          (:position . 9)
-                                          (:form . "123")
-                                          (:value . 123)))))))))))
-(clj-parse-deftest set "#{:x}"
-  (("edn" '((edn-set (:x))))
-   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
-            (:position . 0)
-            (:children . (((:node-type . :set)
-                           (:position . 1)
-                           (:children . (((:node-type . :keyword)
-                                          (:position . 3)
-                                          (:form . ":x")
-                                          (:value . :x)))))))))))
-(clj-parse-deftest discard "(10 #_11 12 #_#_ 13 14)"
-  (("edn" '((10 12)))
-   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
-            (:position . 0)
-            (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
-                           (:position . 1)
-                           (:children . (((:node-type . :number)
-                                          (:position . 2)
-                                          (:form . "10")
-                                          (:value . 10))
-                                         ((:node-type . :number)
-                                          (:position . 10)
-                                          (:form . "12")
-                                          (:value . 12)))))))))))
-(provide 'clj-parse-test)
-;;; clj-parse-test.el ends here
diff --git a/tests/clj-unparse-test.el b/tests/clj-unparse-test.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 60cf658e73..0000000000
--- a/tests/clj-unparse-test.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-;;; clj-unparse-test.el --- Print Clojure AST back to code - tests
-;; Copyright (C) 2017  Arne Brasseur
-;; Author: Arne Brasseur <arne@arnebrasseur.net>
-;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
-;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Print Clojure AST back to code - tests
-;;; Code:
-;;; Printer modes
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-(ert-deftest clj-ast-unparse-list ()
-  (should (equal "(0 1 2)"
-                 (clj-ast-unparse '((:node-type . :root)
-                                    (:position . 0)
-                                    (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
-                                                   (:position . 1)
-                                                   (:children . (((:node-type 
. :number)
-                                                                  (:position . 
-                                                                  (:form . "0")
-                                                                  (:value . 0))
-                                                                 ((:node-type 
. :number)
-                                                                  (:position . 
-                                                                  (:form . "1")
-                                                                  (:value . 1))
-                                                                 ((:node-type 
. :number)
-                                                                  (:position . 
-                                                                  (:form . "2")
-                                                                  (:value . 
-(ert-deftest clj-ast-unparse-empty-list ()
-  (should (equal "()"
-                 (clj-ast-unparse '((:node-type . :root)
-                                    (:position . 0)
-                                    (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
-                                                   (:position . 1)
-                                                   (:children . nil)))))))))
-(ert-deftest clj-ast-unparse-nested-list ()
-  (should (equal "((.9 abc (true) (hello)))"
-                 (clj-ast-unparse '((:node-type . :root)
-                                    (:position . 0)
-                                    (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
-                                                   (:position . 1)
-                                                   (:children . (((:node-type 
. :list)
-                                                                  (:position . 
-                                                                  (:children 
((:node-type . :number)
(:position . 3)
(:form . ".9")
(:value . 0.9))
((:node-type . :symbol)
(:position . 6)
(:form . "abc")
(:value . abc))
((:node-type . :list)
(:position . 10)
(:children ((:node-type . :true)
           (:position . 11)
           (:form . "true")
           (:value . t))))
((:node-type . :list)
(:position . 17)
(:children ((:node-type . :symbol)
           (:position . 18)
           (:form . "hello")
           (:value . hello))))))))))))))))
-(ert-deftest clj-ast-unparse-string ()
-  (should (equal "\"abc hello \\t\\\"x\""
-                 (clj-ast-unparse '((:node-type . :root)
-                                    (:position . 0)
-                                    (:children . (((:node-type . :string)
-                                                   (:position . 1)
-                                                   (:form . "\"abc hello 
-                                                   (:value . "abc hello 
-(ert-deftest clj-ast-unparse-chars ()
-  (should (equal "(\\newline \\return \\space \\tab \\a \\b \\c \\u0078 
-                 (clj-ast-unparse '((:node-type . :root)
-                                    (:position . 0)
-                                    (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
-                                                   (:position . 1)
-                                                   (:children . (((:node-type 
. :character) (:position . 2) (:form . "\\newline") (:value . ?\n))
-                                                                 ((:node-type 
. :character) (:position . 11) (:form . "\\return") (:value . ?\r))
-                                                                 ((:node-type 
. :character) (:position . 19) (:form . "\\space") (:value . 32))
-                                                                 ((:node-type 
. :character) (:position . 26) (:form . "\\tab") (:value . ?\t))
-                                                                 ((:node-type 
. :character) (:position . 31) (:form . "\\a") (:value . ?a))
-                                                                 ((:node-type 
. :character) (:position . 34) (:form . "\\b") (:value . ?b))
-                                                                 ((:node-type 
. :character) (:position . 37) (:form . "\\c") (:value . ?c))
-                                                                 ((:node-type 
. :character) (:position . 40) (:form . "\\u0078") (:value . ?x))
-                                                                 ((:node-type 
. :character) (:position . 47) (:form . "\\o171") (:value . ?y))))))))))))
-(ert-deftest clj-ast-unparse-keyword ()
-  (should (equal ":foo-bar"
-                 (clj-ast-unparse '((:node-type . :root)
-                                    (:position . 0)
-                                    (:children . (((:node-type . :keyword)
-                                                   (:position . 1)
-                                                   (:form . ":foo-bar")
-                                                   (:value . :foo-bar)))))))))
-(ert-deftest clj-ast-unparse-vector ()
-  (should (equal "[123]"
-                 (clj-ast-unparse '((:node-type . :root)
-                                    (:position . 0)
-                                    (:children . (((:node-type . :vector)
-                                                   (:position . 1)
-                                                   (:children . (((:node-type 
. :number)
-                                                                  (:position . 
-                                                                  (:form . 
-                                                                  (:value . 
-(ert-deftest clj-ast-unparse-map ()
-  (should (equal "{:count 123}"
-                 (clj-ast-unparse '((:node-type . :root)
-                                    (:position . 0)
-                                    (:children . (((:node-type . :map)
-                                                   (:position . 1)
-                                                   (:children . (((:node-type 
. :keyword)
-                                                                  (:position . 
-                                                                  (:form . 
-                                                                  (:value . 
-                                                                 ((:node-type 
. :number)
-                                                                  (:position . 
-                                                                  (:form . 
-                                                                  (:value . 
-(ert-deftest clj-ast-unparse-set ()
-  (should (equal "#{:x}"
-                 (clj-ast-unparse '((:node-type . :root)
-                                    (:position . 0)
-                                    (:children . (((:node-type . :set)
-                                                   (:position . 1)
-                                                   (:children . (((:node-type 
. :keyword)
-                                                                  (:position . 
-                                                                  (:form . 
-                                                                  (:value . 
-(provide 'clj-unparse-test)
-;;; clj-unparse-test.el ends here

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